arrive at san Francisco

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They arrive at san Francisco while entering the golden gate bridge just amaze frosty to see the bridge for a first time and exit the bridge towards the city in the afternoon.

Starlight: "wow, this city look huge and beautiful."

Frosty: "you said it, babe. Hey. Let's get something to eat first before going to the hotel."

Starlight with warm smile for her girlfriend idea, "sure darling. What about pizzeria." And her girlfriend eyes went wide and huge grin on her face, "sure. Let's do it." Starlight driving on the road towards pizzeria for their supper while frosty look at the window to see many people walking on the sidewalk and enter the stores. Starlight put the right blinker on to turn right and going straight after turn off the blinker.

They then arrive at pizzeria restaurant and she then hit the brake to make her car stop and she put the gear shift on drive to parked and she turned off the engine with her key after that pulled it out. They unbuckled and get out of the car towards the sidewalk.

Frosty: "this is going to be great romantic gateway ever, stary."

Starlight: "you know it, babe."

"Hey girls."

They saw three bears who stacked together who passed them in the forest with their friend while riding on mine cart with a goat towards section 13.

Frosty: "hey guys and nice to see you bears again."

Grizz: "you said it."

Panda' "what you two doing here exactly?"

Starlight: "having first romantic gateway with my hottest and smart girlfriend right here."

Frosty: "that's right babe."

She give a quick kiss on the cheek and put the arm around shoulders to surprise the bears.

Grizz: "that's awesome girls."

Panda: "yeah."

Ice bear: "ice bear agreed with you."

Starlight: "you three wanna join us to eat pizza at pizzeria."

Trio: "sure."

[New chapter is out for this story tonight]

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