Chapter 3: dinner

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TW (for this chapter, the other triggers aren't involved for this chapter): anorexia

Sakura's POV

I got home before Y/n and Akio. I sat in the living room, drawing. When they got here, I ran up to them. "N/n, Aki!" I yelled, hugging them.

"Hi, Saki." Y/n said, "How was school?"

"Good! I made new friends really quick. They're awesome!" I said, acting as if I couldn't tell something was up. Y/n was smiling more than most of the time. That either means something good happened, or something bad happened and she is just trying to act ok. 

"That's good." She said. "I have to go do homework now, ok Saki-chan?"

"Ok!" and Y/n-chan left.

"Did she eat?" I ask, a little above a whisper, but loud enough to comprehend. 


"Did she eat?" I repeated, a little louder. 

"Yeah, Of course, I made sure she ate. A granola bar for breakfast, then two oranges, soup, and some strawberries for lunch. Then some popcorn at practice when she fell and got put out." he replied.

"She got taken out?"

"Yeah. The team has 13 players, including her. There are 6 players on each side of the net. She had to be switched out eventually, of course." Akio explained. I can tell from the look in his eyes that it isn't all there is to it.

"I know that wasn't all Aki-chan..." I said, crossing my arms. "...Please don't lie to me."

He sighed "The coach obviously knows about N/n's anorexia. Considering the anorexia, she doesn't eat what is considered a normal meal." "Yeah."

"He knows if she pushed herself too hard, she would have to get taken out. She knows that he knows, so she tried to hide any hint of pushing herself or reaching her limit. Because she was pushing herself, she fell. That is why she was taken out, and replaced by Narita."

I sighed "She always pushes herself... was there anything else?" I knew I wasn't getting a full story. I'm young, so they don't tell me things. I'm also observant because of that- I'm curious; I want to know things. Not to mention, I'm already mature enough too- everyone knows that I matured quicker than most kids my age. "Nope."

I looked at him, obviously not believing him. His right eye twitched a tiny bit. "Your eye is doing the thing. I know you lied just now."

"Ok, fine. On the way back, I was talking to her about recovery."


"I asked her if she was even willing. I might have said something wrong, and she got upset. It could be that I called her beautiful, now that I think about it."

"Aki-chan, aren't you normally smart? Ms. Hime (A/n: Ms. Hime is Y/n's therapist) said that isn't good. Remember? In her brain, when she hears someone call her beautiful, she thinks fat, not beautiful. What we consider sick is what beautiful is to her instead. Instead of saying she looks healthier or prettier, we should say happier. Genuine happiness. And we shouldn't push her too much either." I explained, a bit louder than before, but not loud enough for Y/n to hear from her room.

Akio's POV

I just got my ass handed to me by a 7-year-old. She is really smart for her age. It's respectable. 

Sakura's POV

"Oh." he said. I sighed. I think we should switch to a better topic, that isn't as sad. He already feels bad. That makes me feel bad. I don't want to hurt his feelings...

Karasuno's Y/N  (Fem! anorexic! Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now