Chapter 2

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Hey! Im back! I just want to give thanks to all who commented and read the first chapter of my story, you know who you are. Thanks so much it means a lot. You all inspire me to continue writing and i couldnt be anymore happier. I hope you like this chapter. I know i made a couple of mistakes in the last chapter, but this time i will try my best to be more careful and not make as many mistakes. Once again, thank you for reading! :))

Jacquelyn xx

Aubrees POV

Im awoken to someone shaking my shoulder. Thinking its my mom, I pull myself deeper into my blankets and say, " Five more minutes". 

I hear a boys voice laugh. That could only be Logan. 

"C'mon Aubs, your mom sent me to get you up." Logan says. He is enjoying this way too much.

"Well first of all Logan Reeves, I thought we discussed that you were to keep your hands off of me and not call me Aubs." I say climbing out of my bed.

"Yeah yeah whatever you say sweetheart. Now get out of bed you got twenty minutes to get ready."  Logan says using a little sarcasm.

Once he leaves I head to my bathroom to take a quick shower and brush my teeth. Its 6:00 am and we have to be out of the house at 6:20. Great. My parents probably were so busy between Skyla and our guests that they forgot to wake me up earlier. 

I quickly shower, put on a little make up and grab my bags. Its then 6:19, right on time. 

"Good morning sweetheart."  My dad says while helping me put my bag in the trunk.

"Good morning Dad."  I reply with a smile.

We get into the car and drive to the airport. Thankfully we took separate cars to the airport, since there wasn't enough room between all of us and the luggage.

Once at the airport, we gather our bags out of the trunk and head inside. Skyla and Ellie are carrying matching backpacks on their backs filled with barbies and other toys for the plane ride. Our parents are talking and walking ahead, heading to security. Logan and I are stuck behind everyone. As I'm walking  into the door my purse slides off my shoulder. Im trying to slide my purse back on my shoulder, but my suitcase gets stuck in the door in the process. My parents are a few feet ahead with Skyla and Ellie. Logan is a little ahead. He is watching me struggle and laughing in the process. I want to punch him.

"Thanks for the help Logan." I say sarcastically.

"No problem Aubs." Logan replies with a smirk.

Once through airport security we grab a quick breakfast in the airport. After that we sit waiting for the airplane. Im playing barbies with Skyla and Ellie. 

"My barbie is a doctor!" Ellie exclaims.

"My barbie is a cook!" Skyla exclaims.

"Aubree, what is your barbie doll?" Ellie asks while brushing her dolls hair.

"Mine is going to be a office worker." I answer with a smile. 

We continue to play barbies until our flight is called. We take are assigned seats and I'm stuck sitting next to Logan, surprise surprise. The flight is about two and a half hours. I take out a magazine.

"Oh wow that girl is hot." Logan says looking at a picture of a girl in my magazine.

"Please. You think every girl is hot." I say turning the page.

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