Chapter 13

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Before I begin my authors note, I want to take the time to give out another dedication. This chapter is dedicated to @Alyss_Wolf!  She is another person who has been following the story since the beginning. She always comments and has such enthusiam for whenever I update! Thank you! :) <3

And well this is the last chapter of You're a Trainwreck :'( 

I will have an epilogue up and there will be one more dedication that I will be giving in the epilogue! :) 

Thanks so much for reading! I can't believe this story has over 700 reads! 


Jacquelyn xx

Aubree's POV

I've been going to college for the past week. I've made a couple of new friends and have been doing well in all my classes. My worries about Logan and I faded away almost instantly. We talk everyday and we see each other on the weekends. I know he wants this relationship as much as I do. It's friday and I finally get to see Logan. I'm pulling into the driveway. Skyla is playing outside with a friend. I smile to myself as they run around, blowing bubbles. Walking inside of the house, I'm greeted by both of my parents and get a text from Logan. He is picking me up in ten minutes. We are going to the movies tonight. It's still a little warm so I decided to change my outfit into a skirt and a nice blouse. After touching up my make up and re-applying lipgloss, I head downstairs. 

"Mom, Dad, I'm going out with Logan, I'll see you later."  I call out to my parents.

"Ok sweetheart, have fun."   They both reply. 

Once outside, I find Logan playing outside with the girls. He is so good with little kids. 

"Hey Aubs."    Logan says, walking up to me. 

We lean in for a kiss. Skyla and her friend are both yelling a chorus of "ew's". 

"Bye girls."   I say, pulling Logan away.

"So how was your week?"  Logan asks, once we are inside his car.

"It was good. How about you?" 

"Mine was good too. I'm doing well in school."

"That's good, I'm proud of you babe." 

The rest of the car ride is almost silent, but the good kind of silent. The comfortable silent. Logan's hand is laced through mine. After we buy our movie tickets and snacks, I decide to go to the bathroom before the movie starts. Logan is outside waiting. After I finish drying off my hands, I hear Logan's voice and another girls. 

"Well c'mon, you got to remember me, we're in like two classes together."  A girl's voice purred. 

I walk closer to get a better look from outside the ladies room. Logan and the girl doesn't notice I'm standing outside. The girl has long brown hair. She has a skinny figure and is leaning closer to Logan. Logan takes a step back, looking uncomfortable. 

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