Chapter 8

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Heyy! Here is Chaper 8! There is a ton of action and drama in this one! Hope you enjoy! :)

Jacquelyn xx

Aubree's POV

It has been a few days since Logan and I went on our first date. On the second date, he asked me to be his girlfriend.He even told me he never asked anyone to be his girlfriend, I wasn't surprised about that. We have been spending a lot of time together with our sisters and family. Our parents are still surprised that were together. The look on their faces every time we come back from a date is priceless. I think personally their expecting a fight to break out any minute. Logan and I get such a good laugh every time. The girls, Skyla and Ellie sing never ending songs about Logan and I, they even joke that we will get married and have families of our own. I don't know if we will make it that far, but I'm pretty happy where things are now. Logan has shown me a totally new side of him. We spend a lot of time on my balcony at night. We talk for hours about our past and pretty much anything. Most of the time, Logan ends up carrying me into my bed, since I end up falling asleep in his arms. We have gotten so close in the past few weeks. Its almost scary to think that in a week in a half, we will be leaving the beach house. Logan and I will have to start getting ready for college. We haven't really talked about "us" so its hard to tell what will happen. Its friday and our parents took the girls to an aquarium a few minutes away. Logan and I just came back from pizza and ice cream downtown. We are just pulling into the driveway. 

Logan takes the keys of the cars and turns to me,"Aubs what do you say we go for a swim."

I lean in and reply,"Ok,but your giving me a piggy back ride."

Logan gives me a kiss and says,"Of course Aubs."

I let out a laugh. Logan is acting like such a gentlemen. I get out of the car and hold my flip flops in my hands. My bag is swung over my shoulder and I hop on Logan's back. He is holding my legs tightly. Instead of going through the garage as usual, Logan makes a quick run to the backyard where the ocean is. He is running towards the ocean. 

"Logan! What are you doing?! We don't have our bathing suits on!!"  I manage to say in between laughs.

Logan laughs,"Aubs your not the one getting soaked."

Looking down I see, that part of Logan's shorts are  wet. He turns around to look at me and has a crooked grin on his face. He looks up to no good.

"Well I mean Aubs if you want you can get a little wet too."  Logan says, pretending to drop me in the ocean.

I let out a scream, thinking he was actually going to drop me. 

"Logan! Oh my gosh! Don't do that!"  I exclaim while letting out a few laughs.

Logan picks me up and swings me the other way. I'm now facing him and I'm no longer on his back. He leans in and our noses touch. 

"Aubree, I'll never let you go."  Logan breathes.

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