Chapter 9

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Hellloooo! Sorry I havent been on or updated in forever. I will try to update sooner this week! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Jacquelyn xx

Aubree's POV

I just got off the phone with Hannah. I told her what happened with Drew and Logan. Hannah thinks that Drew is mad because he sees I'm happy. I agree with Hannah on that. Ive been in my room for the past two hours. Everyone else is outside. Logan is playing with the girls on the beach. He looks happy, but you can tell that he's upset and something is on his mind. My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door. 

"Come in."  I yell.

The door opens and my mom sits down on the side of my bed.

"Is everything ok,Aubree? You and Logan seem different today. Did you guys get into a fight?"  My mom asks,concerned. 

Right away, I tell her everything that happened. At the end, I take a deep breath and my mom rubs soothingly on my back.

"Aubree, I think its fine if you go meet Drew tonight to hear what he has to say, but you really have to make a decision. Just follow your heart, your heart knows what it wants."  My mom says calmly.

I nod,"I'm just nervous. Has Logan said anything outside?" 

"No honey, he has just been quiet. I would just give him some space till you make your decision. Its obvious he cares about you."  My mom replies.

My mom leaves my room, reminding me that dinner is ready. I let out a deep sigh. I'm not looking forward to dinner, especially with the way things are with Logan. 

I somehow make my way downstairs. Hamburgers are placed on the table and the girls are chatting away as usual. Logan and I make awkward eye contact. I take my usual seat across from Logan. Before all of this, Logan and I would play footsies underneath the table, laughing hysterically. 

Sensing the awkward silence, Dan, Logan's Dad says something,"So how was everyones day?"

Skyla puts herself in the center of attention and exclaims,"Ellie and I made a lot of crafts today!"

"Yeah! This picture is of Logan and Aubree!"  Ellie exclaims, while holding up a drawing of us. 

At the bottom of the picture, the girls wrote: together forever. Logan quickly gets up from the table and walks outside into the backyard. 

"Um girls, thats very cute, but now might not be the time for that."  My mom says gently. 

"Why did Logan and Aubree get into a fight?" Skyla asks.

"Not exactly sweetheart. Why don't you go play barbies with Ellie?"  My mom suggests.

The girls put away the pictures and head into the living room to play with barbies.  I walk over to the glass door. Logan is pacing back and forth near the ocean. He is ruffling his hand through his hair over and over again. 

"Don't worry about him, dear. He's just crazy over you."  Claire says with a light laugh.

I try my best to put on a smile and head upstairs. Its six forty, I should be leaving soon to meet Drew. I apply a little lipgloss, perfume and head to the car. Logan is no where to be seen. I assume he is up in his room or something. So many thoughts are running through my head as I'm driving downtown. I eventually park the car and walk into the coffee shop. Drew looks more calm than before. I spot him at a table right away. His brown hair is spiked. He is wearing the same clothes as before; Beige shorts and a tank top. Drew lets out a small smile and I do the same.

"Hey."   Drew says.


"Aubree I should of never let you go. I was so stupid to end things with us. Everything was going fine and I was just scared."

"I know you were scared, but we are supposed to work things out together. You just gave up. You wouldn't even give it a month. It hurt me, Drew."

"Aubree, I couldn't stop thinking about you all summer. I miss you."

"What about that girl on your Facebook page?"

"My friends put me on a blind date. It was one time and it was nothing."

"Drew, if I do get back together with you, how do I know you won't just decide to give up on the relationship again?"

"Aubree, it will be different this time. You have to trust me."

"I'm going to need to think about this more."

"Ok. I hate to rush you, but tomorrow I'm leaving. I have a flight at three in the afternoon."

I nod and we say goodbye. The rest of the night is a blur. Once inside, I head right to bed somehow exhausted. I spend the first hour tossing and turning, thinking about Logan and Drew. After an hour, I fall asleep into a deep sleep still unsure about who to chose. 

I just realized this chapter is probably reallllyyy short. Im sorry :( 

The next chapter will be when Aubree decides Logan or Drew

Can we pretty pretty please get 5 votes on this chapter???? :D

and if you guys are lucky, I'll update tomorrow! ;D

As always, thank you so much for all the reads, comments, and votes.


THANK YOU! <333333 :*

Jacquelyn xx 

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