Chapter 10

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Hi everyone! I'm here with chapter 10! I reallyyy love this chapter! I dont know how much longer I can continue this story since Aubree and Logan will be going off to college. I plan on doing a few more chapters and an epilogue. I also have many other plans for other stories, which will be much longer. As usual, thank you all and here is chapter 10! Enjoy! :)

Aubree's POV

The sunlight is creeping into my bedroom. I pull my blanket closer to me. I'm startled by a knock on my door. My eyes open to find my mom placing some clean towels on my dresser.

"Aubree, you have to wake up. Its already noon."  My mom says.

Its already noon? I grab my phone from my bedside table and check to see the time. Wow. I can't believe I slept till noon. Then,I remember how I couldn't really fall asleep last night, today I have to decide between Logan and Drew.

"We have plans to go to your grandparents house today with the Reeves family so us and the girls will head over. I know Drew is coming by so after you finish that you can take the Reeve's rental car and drive over to your grandparents house with Logan."  My mom explains.

"Ok sounds good."  I reply,sitting up from my bed.

"We are going to leave now. I'll see you later."  My mom says, giving me a hug.

After they leave, I'm still in my room. Five minutes later, I get a text from my mom saying:

Drew is downstairs. He was just pulling in before we left. Don't worry sweetheart, just follow your heart. I know you have been stressed out about this. I Love you. Mom xoxo

My heart immediately sinks when I hear that Drew is here. I take one last look before I head downstairs. My hair is in a messy bun and I'm still in my pajamas, When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I see Drew and Logan watching TV. They are on opposites sides of the room and aren't saying anything. I'm surprised they haven't strangled each other by now. Logan and Drew realize I'm here and look up from the TV. 

"Um I'm going to take a quick shower than uh we could talk."  I say quietly. 

Drew just nods and I head upstairs. When the water is warm enough, I get into the shower. In my mind, I think of all the times I had with Drew. I also remember the times I had with Logan. Grabbing the shampoo bottle, I squirt some shampoo into my hand. Then, I begin scrubbing my hair, continuing to think about Drew and Logan. My hand stops moving and I realize what I want. I want to be with Logan. Logan drives me crazy, but with Logan everyday is something new. Everything is so much more real with him. I feel like I'm in a fairytale. Drew and I's relationship was just ordinary. I think its time to put away what Drew and I once had. I quickly finish the rest of my shower and get dressed. I'm wearing floral printed shorts and a white tank top. My hair is still wet. Heading back downstairs, I notice Drew and Logan are where I left them. 

"Lets talk outside."   I suggest to Drew.

Drew gives another nod and we head outside. 

"You know this wasn't an easy decision for me, right."  I say softly.

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