Chapter 6

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Hellooo everyone!!! Ive decided to update a little bit earlier this time since a lot of people liked Chapter 5. Thank you again to everyone who has read,commented, or voted for my story. It means a lot. I wish I could dedicate a chapter to more than one person. This chapter is dedicated to all of those who have commented on my story. You guys are so sweet in the comments and it truly means a lot. I love that you all are enjoying my story and I hope you enjoy Chapter 6! :)

Jacquelyn xx

Aubree's POV

Logan's lips are pressed to mine and I can't help, but kiss him back. His hands are on my waist while my arms are wrapped around his neck. Around us, the sun is shining brightly and ocean waves are crashing. It takes me a minute to realize that I'm kissing Logan Reeves. The guy who I couldn't stand. The guy who annoyed me to no end. The guy who went through girlfriends like toliet paper. The guy who was the complete opposite of me. I break away from the kiss, confused. 

Logan sees my face and starts talking,"Look Aubree, What I was trying to tell you before was that I broke up with Jessica."

I give him an eyebrow raise. Yeah they looked broken up alright.

"I'm serious! She kissed me right after I broke up with her!"  Logan explains. 

Logan starts walking in circles and running his hands through his hair. He is obviously stressed out about this, so I guess I believe him.

"Ok crazy, I believe you."  I reply with a smile.

Logan stops pacing and turns around with a smile on his face.

"Really?"  Logan asks with a smile.

I nod and he brings me in for a hug. This all feels new to me. I don't know what to think.

"So how about dinner tonight? My treat?"  Logan asks with a hopeful smile.

Logan Reeves is asking me out on a date? Is this a joke? 

"Are you serious?"  I ask, still surprised he is asking.

"Yes Aubree! Yes I'm serious!"  Logan says while throwing his hands in the air. Logan begins to be pacing back and forth again just like before. I never seen him so nervous or even stressed about a girl. It was kinda cute..

I walk up to him and put my hand on his shoulder,"Its a date."

Logan smiles and grabs my hand. We are hand in hand, walking back to the house. 

Once inside the house, everyone is awkwardly quiet. All eyes are on Logan and I. We both look down only to find that we are still holding hands. We quickly let go of each others hand.

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