Chapter 7

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Heyy guyss! As promised, im here with chapter 7! Thank you all for commenting,voting, and reading! I hope you enjoy this chapter. I really like this chapter a lot! 

Jacquelyn xxx

Aubree's POV

Im surprised. Ive been surprised for the past four hours. Logan and I are going on a date. Logan and I kissed. Logan is actually being a gentleman and holding the car door open for me. Once again I'm surprised. The drive is about fifteen minutes away. So far things are quiet in the car, but at the same time, its comfortable. If Logan and I were in the car together last week, I'm pretty sure we would be bickering right now. That doesn't matter though. What matters is now. Logan has one hand on the wheel and one hand laced through mine. It feels so right. Logan shoots me a smile, but not one of those smiles that he would give me when we met a week and a half ago. A smile that is so calm and almost loving. I smile back even more. 

"So where are we going?"  I ask.

Logan looks at me with another smile and replies,"Its a surprise."

I try to get Logan to tell me where were going, but I'm unsuccessful. Another part of me actually wants to be surprised. I haven't been on a date in what seems like forever so I guess being surprised would be almost fun. Before I know it we are pulling into the restaurant. Logan is taking me to an Italian restaurant downtown. I have never been here before, but I have been downtown before. Logan gets out of the car and comes around to open the door for me. Once I get out of the car, he grabs my hand and we walk in hand and hand. 

"So have you been here before?"   Logan asks.

"Nope."  I say, popping the " p" .

We walk inside the restaurant and Logan tells the lady at the counter he has a reservation. The lady shows us our table and tells us our waitress will be here in a minute.

"How did you find out about this place?"  I ask, placing my napkin on my lap.

"Chad told me about it. He wanted me to take Jessica here. I tried to get her to come, but she always wanted to go sneak into clubs or some trashy place."  Logan explains.

"Oh she must of been a handful, huh?"  I say, with a smile.

"Yeah to be honest I'm happy to be broken up with her. She was a pain and I really didn't get why I went out with her. I don't get why I went out with a lot of girls."  Logan adds with a laugh.

Our waitress comes and we order. I order a chicken parm dish and Logan orders spaghetti and meatballs. Just like in Lady and the Tramp, Logan gives me his last meatball. I'll admit it was a little cliche, but it was cute. The rest of dinner, we talk more about our interests, high school, all stuff to get to know each other better. Logan pays for the dinner and we head outside to go for a walk around downtown. 

"Thanks for dinner, Logan."  I say, shivering a little bit.

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