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Clay's POV

Clay held his breath as the Prince traced his finger along his jaw. The Prince stood on his tip toes to bring himself closer, less than an inch away from Clay's mouth.

Clay took a healthy step back, making the Prince fall forward slightly.

"This isn't appropriate," Clay muttered.

"Fine— Anyways, you still smell," Prince George said, almost pouting.

Clay's lip twitched up as he tried to hold back his laugh.

The Prince saw this and grinned, "There! You almost smiled!"

Clay straightened his lips and held the Prince's gaze. Clay saw a twinkle of playfulness is his chocolate eyes. The Prince stood straighter and walked out of the room. Clay had no choice but to follow.

They walked down the hall near Prince George's room and ran into the twins.

"Tommy look it's Dream!" The brown-haired one said in awe.

"Oh my god! It's him!" The other boy, Tommy, exclaimed.

Prince George stopped his walking and Clay stopped a step behind him.

"Go away," Prince George said, annoyed.

"No way! We wanna meet Dream! What are you doing with George?" Tommy asked.

"I'm your brother's guard," Clay replied.

"Why can't you be our guard? George is annoying," the brown-haired twin said making Prince George scoff.

He and Tommy were Prince George's younger brothers and second in line to the throne.

When Clay didn't reply the brown-haired boy, Toby, said, "I want to be a guard as well! It's so cool!"

"You can't be a guard Toby, you're a prince." George said. Clay could hear his annoyance.

"Don't call me Toby, my guard name will be Tubbo. I like it better." Toby said stubbornly.

George sighed and said, "Go play somewhere else you two. Dream and I have matters to attend to."

"Aww, fine. We'll go. Bye Dream!" Prince Tommy exclaimed.

Clay nodded and the twins ran off giggling. The Prince turned to look at Clay with an annoyed expression. Clay returned his look with an amused one.

"What do you wanna do now?" Prince George asked.

"What do you have to do today?" Clay responded.

"Nothing. Can we see your cat? What was its name again?"

Clay stiffened defensively. "Patches is resting right now."

"Oh c'mon! I won't be mean. I promise." The Prince said.

Clay couldn't tell if he was being serious or not so he stubbornly said nothing.

"I'm sorry for hurting her." Prince George said, "I don't know why I stepped on her tail."

Clay saw some honestly in the Prince's expression. "Fine."

"Let's go then! Where is your room?"

Clay started walking and the Prince kept pace alongside him. They stopped in front of Clay's door and he paused.

"Don't hurt her," Clay said coldly.

The Prince's brows furrowed. "I won't, I promise."

Clay opened the door and he saw Patches leap off the bed. She froze when she saw Prince George. Clay walked forward, leaving the Prince in the doorway. He scooped her up and turned around to face the Prince.

"It's okay, Patches. He won't hurt you," Clay murmured into her ear.

Patches purred and Clay looked at the Prince. He couldn't quite make out the expression on his face. Clay walked forward and stopped a foot away from the Prince. He looked into Prince George's eyes and waited for him to say something.

The Prince's face softened as he asked, "Can I pet her?"

"Of course."

The Prince stepped forward and slowly reached his hand out to pet Patches. She shrank away from him slightly, but Clay held her tight in his arms. The Prince stroked her head and Patches purred softly. A grin broke out on Clay's face. Patches lifted her head to give the Prince more petting access.

Clay realized the Prince had stopped and was looking at him. Clay's grin faltered when he saw Prince George smiling at him.

"So you can smile!" The Prince exclaimed.

Clay looked back down at Patches, trying to ignore the Prince. "Do you want to hold her?"


Clay handed Patches to the Prince. He delicately took her out of Clay's arms. Clay crossed his arms and watched the Prince struggled to hold her. Patches found a comfy position and meowed in content. Her claws slid out to get a grip on the Prince.

"Ow!" The Prince exclaimed and dropped Patches.

Clay chuckled as Patches landed on her feet and rubbed her back against the Prince's boots. He noticed that his room got a shade darker, the sun was setting.

Prince George noticed this as well and looked to Clay. He stared at Clay's scar again and seemed like he was going to say something but he didn't. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Clay nodded and Patches strolled to him. He picked her up in a smooth motion and the Prince left his room, closing the door softly behind him.

Clay stared at the door for a moment. He'd never heard of a softer side to the Prince. Clay shrugged it off and went to shower. He fed Patches again and went to sleep. He wondered what tomorrow would bring.

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