The Second Trainer

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"Hello Meyer Alain" said happily. Ash froze along with Bonnie.

"Hello Alain", Meyer said hesitation obvious in his voice. "We are here for Bonnie's starter"

"Oh, let me get Sycamore for you then" Alain said walked back inside.

"Ash, should we be worried." Max asked.

"Yes, be on guard just in case". Ash said putting his hand in his pocket, where one of his most powerful friend is. A minute passed before the door opened again to reveal a man in a lab coat.

"Meyer it's so good to see you old friend. How have you been? Come in." The man said opening the door wide.

The group follows and soon found themselves in a large living room with multiple place to sit. Meyer sat in a small armchair while Bonnie and Max sat together on a couch. Ash stood nearby with Pikachu and Eevee on his shoulders.

"Alright now let me guess what you are here for. Bonnie are you finally getting your starter?" Professor Sycamore asked.

"Yes and I already know who I'm picking." Bonnie said glancing at the hooded Ash.

"Perfect, Alain bring them in." The same man from earlier walked in with 3 little creatures behind him. The 3 starters of Kalos walked to the Professor and stood in front. "Alright Bonnie go ahead"

Bonnie walked up to the small blue frog like pokemon and knelt in front of it. "Hi there Froakie would you please be my starter?" She asked it.

"Frokie!!!" The pokemon said and jumped into her arms. The other two looked down. Alain of on the the other hand looked extremely mad.

"Why did you not pick Chespin like your brother or Fenniken like Serena?" He asked angerly. Bonnie backed away and the other pokemon quickly ran towards her but somehow got behind Ash, who walked forward in front of Bonnie in less than 10 seconds. "Who are you?" Alain asked still furious.

"I'm sorry but I don't appreciate you yelling at my friend." Ash said calmly with Eevee growling loudly. Pikachu was comforting the starters that were cowering behind Ash.

"Shut up, you are probably just some low life trainer." Alain said getting in Ash's face. Eevee was now growling in his ear even madder then before.

"Professor we will be taking our leave." Ash said completely ignoring Alain.

"Alright have a good day?" The Professor said confused.

As the group walked out the door, they didn't see 2 small pokemon following them close behind.

Walking back Ash did notice there were two unfamiliar presences behind them, but decided to ignore it.

Once they reached the house in Vaniville they were greeted by Kaitlyn at the front door. "Yay your back" she yelled seeing Ash. She quickly grabbed his hand and proceeded to drag him to the kitchen where Grace, Dawn and Johanna were.

"Oh, I see you have returned, that was fast." Grace said.

"We ran into a bit of trouble there but otherwise it was a good trip." Meyer said walking in with the younger teens.

"Hey Ash, just like with Max can I have a battle with you?" Bonnie asked with her Frokie on her shoulder nodding a lot after hearing stories about Ash and his pokemon on the way back.

"I don't see why not, Grace we will be out back." Ash replied walking to the backyard

"Ok don't take to long, I'm going to prepare lunch soon." Grace said turning the stove on.

Outside we see Bonnie and her new starter getting ready while Ash let out Greninja to watch and give the new pokemon some advice.

"Alright, you ready Bonnie?" Ash asked throwing his new Mudkip into battle, who was happy to finally battle with his new trainer.

"Yes, let's get started. Frokie use bound." Bonnie said pointing to Mudkip.

"Take it head on with tackle."

The pokemon attacked head on it Froakie's hand glowing white. Both stood still for a second before getting blown away.

"Alright try a Bubble." Bonnie said.

"Counter with Water Gun." Ash said.

Both attacks collided and created a miniature smoke cloud.

"Alright that's enough, beside we have some guests to greet." Ash said looking towards the bushes opposite of the house. "You can come out now. No one will hurt you."

Out came the 2 other starter pokemon of Kalos. They both ran strat to Ash, but Greninja jumped in front of him to protect him. Both stopped and froze seeing the powerful pokemon.

"Hey leave them alone, old friend." Ash said and walked to the little ones. "Hello, may I asked why you are here?"

"Saw you at the professor's lab, we want to be your pokemon. The black haired boy was always mean to use, he said that only we could be picked at not the Froakie, but never told us why." The Fenniken said rubbing against his leg.

"Are you sure?" Ash asked. Both confirmed by rubbing Ash's leg. "Alright, go pokeball."

Later the group finished eating lunch and got ready to go back, but before they could leave a explosion occurred.


Hello, I want to thank you all for being patient with these updates, they will be slowed down a lot though. My goal at the moment is one for each every 2-3 weeks, maybe more. Just be warned that towards late July, they will most likely be only one a month.


Betrayed, but not aloneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن