Fight in Vaniville

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A loud explosion was heard. Ash, being the idiot he is, immediately ran to the place he heard it. The others followed at a lot slower pace. Ariving Ash saw a small pokemon with a blue flame on it's head. Next to it was a large red dragon that Ash knew all to well. Next to it was a trainer in black with a blue scarf

"Hey what do you think your doing." Ash yelled to Alain.

"Mind your own business." Alain said turning around, his eyes widen seeing the hooded figure. "You, you lost me my job and you will pay."

"That was your own fault. But abusing a poor pokemon is not ok in my book." Ash said getting ready for battle. The rest had arrived and see both trainers getting ready for battle. "Tyranitar, show him true power." Ash said releasing the powerful pseudo-legendary of Jhoto, a small stone on his head. The Charizard left the poor pokemon alone and stood in front of Alain. Ash narrowed his eyes and saw no stone on his chest which surprised Ash.

"Charizard, go beyond Evolution, Mega Wave." At those words Ash's eyes widen. That was impossible, he and Greninja destroyed the crystals. Alain showed a band that he swipped. Charizard was surrounded by a dark power and came out as a large black dragon with blue flames. Purple eyes glowing bright.

Bonnie was freaking out next to Max seeing the transformation. Max saw and asked what was wrong. "You know mega evolution right?" Max nodded. "That is not it, it may look like it but Charizard is actually being controlled."

"What do you mean?" Meyer asked.

"Normally mega evolution is a form that requires a strong bond and 2 stones. This is the complete opposite." Bonnie finished shaking.

Ash saw this and was not holding back at all. "Tyranitar let's show the world a true bond." Ash rolled his sleeve back to reveal a black band with a key stone. "From birth to adult. You have grown all the way. Now go even further with our love and trust. Mega Evolution." Ash touched the stone and 4 beam flew from it and Tyranitar's stone. They connected and Tyranitar started to change, once finished a powerful Mega Tyranitar stood tall ready to take down this impostor. A sandstorm appeared and Ash knew full well how to use it.

Alain growled and started the battle, "Use flamethrower". The move head straight for Tyranitar but was canceled out last second.

"Block with dark pulse" A purple beam stopped the flame as Ash continued. "Now ThunderFang." Tyranitar ran at blinding speeds and bit down on Charizard with electric fangs.

"Hit it with Dragon Claw."

"Shadow Claw."

Both moves clashed in the middle. Causing a Shockwave.

"Stone Edge". Tyranitar struck the ground and glowing blue stones came out and hit the black dragon. "Finish with Dark Pulse." The purple beam hit and Charizard hit the ground hard and reverted back to his original form with swirling eyes. Alain returned him and walked away, but was stopped by Ash, who took the band off his wrist and crushed it. "Leave and never come back."

Ash walked back to the small pokemon, who to no surprise was refusing to let the others touch it. Once close enough, Ash saw how many bruises the poor thing had. "Hey there, my name is Ash, will you allow me to heal you. I took down the man hurt you." The little pokemon turned to Ash and suddenly hugged the trainer. "Oh, ok, hold on." Ash touched the pokemon and glowed blue. The Litwick was healed immediately.

"Thank you so much. I want you to be my master." He said to Ash hugging him tighter. "My last trainer was horrible."

"Alright, you can come." Ash said reaching into his pocket and pulled a black pokeball out. "Go Luxury ball." The pokeball hit and the small pokemon was sucked in.

"Wow that was awesome." Max yelled.

"Alright time to head on back. Grace thank you for allowing us to have lunch with you guys." Ash said standing up. Max, Dawn, Kaitlyn and Bonnie walked over to him.

"No problem Ash, good luck in all your battles and if you ever need some advice on raising a child don't hesitate come over." Grace said smiling.

"Bonnie be good I don't want to here anything about you misbehaving." Meyer said staring Bonnie down. "And you young man better take care of my daughter got it." Meyer said slightly glaring at Max.

"Y..yes sir." Max gulped.

"Dawn please be careful." Johanna said worried

"Mom, I all ready told you, no need to worry." Dawn replied happily

"That's when I worry the most. And Dawn fix things with Paul please." Johanna said smirking. Ash smirked while Dawn's face exploded into a bright red color.


Ash laughed and stood tall, "Alright let's get going. The others touched Ash and prepared to leave. "Bye guys see you after the tournament." After that they left.


Hey guys sorry for not updating I'll try my best but no promises


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