New trainers

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Ash walked back to the locker room . Once there he was attack with a hug by Kaitlyn, who was very excited that her new "dad" won.

"Well hello there did you like what you saw". He asked laughing

"Yes!!!!! That was so cool". She exclamied

"Alright, Max, Bonnie who is going first", he asked turning to the 14 year olds.

"Bonnie/Max" they both said referring to each other

"No you first" they said blushing

Ash and Kaitlyn were both laughing at this.

"Kaitlyn, who do you want to go first", Ash asked, picking her up

"Ummm, Max!!!!!" She said loudly

"Alright come with me", Ash said walking away

"Coming", Max and Bonnie yelled, grabbing each others hands and ran to catch up

In the meadow

"What are we doing here". Max asked

"Hoenne on me" Ash yelled loudly

Septile, Swellow, Cawndaut, Torkal, and Galie walked up and Ash returned them to their pokeballs. The others were coufused

"Alright, come here, grab on tight, and close your eyes and do not open them until I tell you to, ok". Ash said

"Ok", they said

They each grabbed Ash and closed their eyes. Ash focused on the Maple's house and finally teleported. They were now in front of the maples house.

"Alright open your eyes", Ash a little tired

They opened their eyes and looked around, Max immediately knew where they were. He turned to Ash and saw him a little tired

"Ash are you ok",Max asked concerned

"Yeah, just a little tired, come on, your parents need to know a few thing", he said looking at Max and Bonnie who started blushing

When they reached the front door, Max became nervous and Kaitlyn hid behind Ash. Bonnie was just as nervous for her boyfriend. Ash rang the door bell and when it opened Max's parents hugged him tight. After releasing him, Norman saw the other three and asked

"Who are you?"

"I'm Bonnie", Bonnie said quietly

"I'm Kaitlyn", said the little girl a little sad as she remembered her parents

"I'm someone you already know". Ash said calmly and next thing he knew Kaitlyn was tugging at his cloak

"Daddy, can you pick me up, I want to ask you something". She asked crying a little

"Oh no", Ash said, he picked her up and hugged her."I'm sorry I forgot, come on lets go inside" he said softly and walked inside.

"Max what's going on", asked Caroline

"Come on I'll explain", Max said walking inside

Once inside

"Before we start,Bonnie will you pull my hood off, I can't". Ash said. Bonnie nodded and walked over to him and pulled the hood, Norman and Caroline gasped seeing his face

"Ash is that really you?" She asked with tears in her eyes

"Yes, it is". Ash said in a calm tone.

"What happened to you?" Asked Norman

"My old friends left me. All but these two and maybe two more, I'll know later". He replied

"Then who is this". Caroline asked referring to the sobbing Kaitlyn

"Her parents were killed, I have been taking care of her". Ash said suddenly remembering his own mother

"Oh", is all she could say

"Daddy?" Kaitlyn said, "can I go ask Mrs. Caroline for a hug?"

"Of course", He said. Kaitlyn got up and walked to Caroline and asked,"do you need a hug?" Caroline simply nodded. She picked the little girl up and hugged her tight.

"Kaitlyn would you like to stay here while we get Max's starter pokemon?" Ash asked. She nodded and Ash said, "ok well be back soon ok."

"Ok, Daddy, be safe", she said hugging Ash. Ash, Max, Bonnie, and Norman left to Birch's lab

"Dad, I need to tell you something else. Bonnie is my girlfriend", Max said extremely nervous of his father's reaction.

"Good, I can finally tell Meyer I won".He said with a smirk on his face

"Huh?"max and Bonnie said confused.

"I made a bet with Meyer about you two getting together". Norman explained

Ash was laughing as he remembered his own mother and Grace making a bet about him and Serena. He immediately grew sad as he had remembered Grace as his 2nd mother.

"We're here!!!" Max screamed as they had made it to the lab. They walked inside to see professor Birch talking to a assistant. When he saw Norman, he greeted

"Ah, Norman, good to see you again old friend, to what do I owe a visit", he said cheerfully

"We are here for my son's first pokemon," Norman said

"Ah, finally stopped May now did we", he replied in a grateful tone.

"Yes, but it was actually an old friend that helped us", Norman said pointing to Ash

"Hello Birch, it has been a long time", Ash said pulling his hood off, reveling his face

"ASH!!!!", Birch screamed in disbelief

"Hello professor", Ash said smiling

"How?", he asked still in disbelief

"Luck that is all", ash replied,"but for now we need to get Max his starter pokemon"

"Right, give me a minute, he left and came back a minute later with 3 pokemon, a Teekco, a Torchic, and a Mudkip". The second Max and Bonnie saw Torchic they ran and hid behind Ash.

"Huh?", Norman and Birch said

"Let me guess, May used Blaziken against you?"Ash asked the soon to be trainers, who shook yes."I see, Birch would you bring the three here?"

"Sure", he walked up to Ash with all three starters

"Hello you three, can I ask how long you have been here?" Ash said

"3 years, not that you would understand", the chick pokemon said

"Ah that is where you are wrong", Ash said, the starters looked confused,"I'm an Aura Guardian, therefore I can understand pokemon."

"Whoa that is awesome", Mudkip said

"Professor, may we take all of them, they have been here far to long, Max can still pick one and I shall take the other two", Ash stated

"That is a great idea", Birch said, "alright Max pick your starter"

"I choose my starter a long time ago", he walked up to Treekco, "Will you be my starter?"

"Treekco!!!" It said and jumped onto Max's arms.

Ash looked at the other two and noticed their sadness, bending down he asked,"would you two like to join me? I will take care of you and train you, just ask these two", he said pointing to his two partners

"Mud" "Tor", they said crying and jumping on Ash, knocking him over

"I'll take that as a yes", he said laughing

"Ok, Max here is your Pokedex and extra pokeballs and Ash here is the other 2 starter balls"

"Thanks professor", they said

"Now we must be going, someone else needs a starter", Ash said

"Of course take care", he said as they walked out

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