The lone Girl and a secret revealed

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In the Forest

Ash ran to the scream he heard. When he got there he was a little girl, looking about 5 or 6, being surrounded by a hord of Beedrill.

"Pikachu thunderbolt Eevee use swift", Ash said

They launched the attacks scaring the Beedrill away. Ash then walked up to the little girl and sat next to her and hugged her. She was startled at first but jumped into his arms and started sobbing. After calming her down she looked up and backed away because Ash still had his hood on.

"Who are you?" She asked

"Oh, sorry, if you promise not to tell anyone, my name is Ash", he said taking off his hood."What is your name?"

"I'm Kaitlyn", she said

"What are you doing out here? Where are your parents?" Ash asked

"They are dead", Kaitlyn said in a sad voice

"Oh I'm sorry", Ash said in a sad tone remembering his own mother.

"Do you have any where to go?", He asked

"No I don't know anyone else", she said starting to cry

"Would you like to come with me I can take care of you, just asked these two right here". Ash said pointing to Pikachu and Eevee.

"Pika" "Vee". They said

"Ok." Kaitlyn said happy now

"Come on" Ash said as She grabbed his hand

When they got back Ash forgot to put his hood up

Max and Bonnie saw him, ran up to him and yelled, "ASHHHHHHHH!!!!"

"Oh no" Ash said scared, Kaitlyn hid behind him scared

"Ash is that really you?" Bonnie said crying when they reached him

Ash signed and said, "you tell me do I look the Ash you know?"

They both hugged him tight and started crying, not wanting him to disappear again

"It's ok you two" he said

"Daddy who are they?" Kaitlyn asked

"Daddy?" Ash asked confused

"You look like my dad, is it ok if I call you that?" She asked worried

"Of course, and to answer your question this is Max and Bonnie, my friends. Max, Bonnie this is Kaitlyn." Ash said

"Hello", they all said

Max then asked "Ash where have you been?"

"Mt. Sliver", he said

"We need to tell Serena she will be so happy", Bonnie said trying to pull Ash, but she couldn't

"No, she will hate me, besides she is with them." He said coldly

"What!!? No she won't." Max said before being cut off

"I said no!!" Ash said a little to loudly, "sorry but she can't know, let's just get you two some starter pokemon pokemon tomorrow ok?"

"Ok" they said happily

They headed back button the way there Max realized something. "Oh No, Clement and May are going to kill us", he said scared

"No they aren't, you will be staying with me", Ash said

"Ok" they said thankfully

When they got there May and Clement ran to them with worried expressions, but Ash knew they were fake

"Where were you two we were so worried", May said

"No you weren't they told me what you do and trust me you will want to back away from them before I get angry",Ash said in a cold voice. Max and Bonnie stood there ground while Kaitlyn hid behind Ash scared. The rest walked over and Serena saw Kaitlyn and asked

"Oh, who is this?" She asked

"I'm Kaitlyn" she said shyly

"She is someone I'm taking care of, you lay a hand on her and your dead", Ash said with venom in his voice

"Hey don't talk to her like that", Calem yelled

"Do you want another beating?" Ash asked Calem shook his head scared. "Good now I won't say this twice stay away from them." He said

They walked away back to Ash's room. When they got there Ash told Max and Bonnie that they can have the room that was connected to his so they didn't have to share. After that they all headed to bed.

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