Round 2

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Ash woke up early like he always did. He looked over and saw Kaitlyn sleeping peacefully. He got up, took a shower and checked next door to see if Max and Bonnie were awake. Ash walked in to see Max and Bonnie cuddling, Max was awake, saw Ash and started to panic. Ash simple gave him a signal that they were fine. Max calmed down and tried to get out of Bonnie's embrace, but she just gripped tighter. Ash chuckled at this and signaled Max to stay there until she woke up. He walked out and noticed Kaitlyn stirring. She woke up and looked around until she saw Ash, her face lit up as she saw that yesterday wasn't a dream.

"Good morning", Ash said in a happy voice

"Good morning Daddy", Kaitlyn said almost yelling

Ash laughed at this and asked, "would you like to go get breakfast?"

"Yes please", she said

They both got ready and Ash walked next door to tell Max and Bonnie. He opened the door to see Bonnie on top of Max, tickling him to death. Ash simple smiled, then thought of an idea. He snuck around the bed behind Bonnie. Max went wide eye when he saw him, Ash simply winked and reached up and grabbed Bonnie holding her still.

"Now Max get her", Ash said

Max proceed to tickle Bonnie, who in return started laughing. Kaitlyn walked in saw this and started to help Max. After a few minute the younger ones jumped on Ash and attacked him with 3 pairs of hands tickling him in different places. Ash couldn't control it anymore and laughed hard. After that he told Max and Bonnie to get ready. Once they were ready, they went and ate breakfast.

"Satoshi do you know who your going against", Bonnie asked using Ash's fake name

"No, I need to check", Ash replied

"Barry, your going against Barry", Max said in a voice of hatred.

"I see, well then let's go get my pokemon for today." Ash said cleaning his tray and leaving with the others. He looked over to see most of the traitors glaring at them. He also noticed that Dawn looked extremely uncomfortable, Ash smirked and left.

Once they reached the meadow, the pokemon ran up to them to greet their master.

Ash chose his pokemon, and let the others play for a while until his match.

When it was noon Ash called them to go eat lunch and get ready for his match. They ate a local restaurant. Once finish they headed to the stadium.

"Alright you 3 listen, stay in the locker room. I don't trust the others not to attack you." Ash said in a serious tone

"Ok" they said

Will Satoshi and Barry make their way to the field, the announcer asked

"Alright here we go", Ash said walking out of the locker room

Here we go folks the start of round 2!!!! Today's match is Barry of Twinleaf town vs. Satoshi of MT. Sliver. The announcer said

"This will be a 2v2 match with substitutions allowed. Trainers release your first pokemon"

"Empoleon, Let's go" Barty yelled.

Ash looked at Pikachu and nods. Pikachu jumps onto the field while Eevee jumps down to cheer him on.

"Battle Begin" the ref said

"Empoleon use steel wing" Barry said

"Iron tail", Ash said calmly

Pikachu and Empoleon meet in the middle, but Pikachu won easily.

"Alright use Hydro Cannon", Barry yelled

"Counter Shield", Ash said with confidence.

Pikachu started to spin on it's back while generating electricity. Hydro Cannon failed to hit while Empoleon was knocked back a little

In the Stands

"What that's Ash's thing", Dawn thought. "I'll ask him afterwards"

Back to the battle

"Finish this Thunderbolt", Ash said

Pikachu shoot of its signature move knocking Empoleon out

"Empoleon is unable to battle Pikachu wins" the ref said, "Barry please send out your final pokemon."

"Hericroos let's go". Barry yelled as the big pokemon appeared with a mega stone on its forehead

"Pikachu return, Flotzal lend me your aura". Ash said throwing a pokeball. Out came the Sea weasel ready for battle.

"Battle Begin", the ref said.

"We are going all out from the start" Barry said reveling a keystone. "Hericross lend me your strength and Mega evolve." A white light surrounded Hericross as in Mega evolved. Once finished, its horn had grown a large amount and it had a slight muscular body.

"That doesn't matter, use ice beam" Ash said

"MegaHorn", Barry replies

Hericross is now froze to the ground as Ash finishes the battle.

"Use Aqua Jet into Ice Beam:, Floatzel covered itself in water, shooting towards the froze pokemon, and froze the water with ice beam. It hit its target, successfully knocking Hericross out

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