Round 3: Old Rivals Fight once again

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Ash woke up the day of the third round by a hyperactive 6 year old with a serious love for watching her new Dad battle.

"Wake up, it's time for you to battle again." She yelled jumping on him

"Alright I'll get up." Ash said slowly getting up.

"What is going on?" A tired Max and Bonnie asked walking in, pokemon at their sides

"Someone is a little excited about the third round starting." Ash said getting up and walking to the bathroom. "Go get ready and will we eat lunch them head out."

Time Skip

After a great breakfast the gang walked over to the counter where guess who was there. That's right the, the only Paul Shinji of Sinnoh. Dawn, who had shared a bed with Kaitlyn last night, froze seeing him and quickly hid behind Ash.

"Thank you." Paul said and started to walk towards Ash and the other only to be stopped by a certain Blond haired idiot we all know and probably hate. Barry

"Paul there you old friend." Barry said putting his arm around Paul only to be trown to the side by the purple haired man. Ash simpley walked past to the counter. Paul saw Dawn behind him and slightly glared before seeing her frightened look.

"Hello may I know when and who my next match is today." Ash asked with a jittery Kaitlyn next to him.

"Oh, you will be battling the man right there. Paul Shinij." The nurse joy said with a smile. Ash, under his hood, smirked. Paul simpley said pathetic and walked away, only after stealing one last glance at Dawn.

Time Skip

Due to Dawn freaking out Ash was nearly late to the battle. In the locker room, Ash left Kaitlyn, Max and Bonnie in there cause Dawn wanted to watch the Match from the stands.

"Will both contestants please make there way to the battle field." Ash stood up, got a final hug from Kaitlyn and left Pikachu and Eevee to watch the battle.

"Be good and watch them. Mostly you Pikachu." Ash said and walked out.

On the field

"This will be a 3-3 battle Between Paul Shinji of VeilstoneCity and Satoshi from Mt. Sliver. Ready begin."

Paul smirked and started. "Drapion stand by for battle."

Ash simply pull out a pokeball and thought it. "Gliscor lend me your Aura." The ground type landed with his goofy smile, ready to fight once more.

"Battle begin"

"Use Toxic spikes", Paul commanded immediately. The poison type started to move but was quickly interrupted.

"Earth Power", Ash said as Gliscor jumped and slammed his tail on the ground. A gyster came out underneath the bug type and severely damaged him.

Paul looked shock at the speed of the attack.

"Now use Fire fang." Ash continued. The ground type lept into the air and his mouth burst into flames and flew straight at the bug type.

"Intercept with poison jab." The moves collied and launched the two pokemon back.

'He sure has been training.' Ash thought

"Now bug buzz." Paul commanded. Before the pokemon could move he flet a burn in his body, he fell and cringed with pain. "Alright I know you can't go on, but please use a toxic spikes before." The poison/bug typed nodded and launched the attack. It landed and the next second he was down. "Thank you you were perfect you set us up get a good rest."

Ash smiled as did Gliscor. "Thanks return." The ground/flying type smiled once more before being absorbed.

"Alright, Torterra stand by for battle." Paul said calling his trusty starter.

Ash smirked as a pokeball on his belt shock. "Torterra, lend me your Aura."

The field shock from the sheer massive of both pokemon. The only difference was that one Continent pokemon was smiling, ready to show his mentor the meaning of bulk. But before they could even begin the pokemon on Ash's side suddenly glowed purple, poison was taking affect.

Paul was surprised to say the least and a lot of thoughts came into his head, but smirked it off a the sight of the poison. "Use Earthquake."

"You too" Ash said

Both Continet pokemon raised their front legs up and slammed them into the ground. It shook the whole stadium, the crowd literally had to grab something to not fall. The continet pokemon on Ash's side received heavy poison afterwards.

"Now use Giga Impact", Ash yelled. The continet pokemon on Ash side rushed forward and slammed into the other pokemon. Paul's starter was sent flying into a wall. Ash's pokemon groaned in pain from the poison and giga impact.

"Bad move, use Leaf Storm." Paul commanded as his pokemon stood up only to be pinned down by gigantic vines. "WHAT!!!"

"I know I hurts but finish this with Earthquake Torterra." Ash said proudly as his pokemon slammed his front legs down, causing the stadium to shake once more. Both pokemon fell soon after.

"Both pokemon are unable to battle, this match is a draw." The ref said.

"Well, I must say that your pretty good to take down Torterra like that." Ash said returning his Sinnoh Starter. "But that doesn't change how this match must go."

Paul on the other side of the field was smirking a heck of a lot right now, he knew very well just who he was fighting. "Well in that case let me show you true power. Electivire, stand by for battle" Paul yelled throwing his trusty partner into the field. Not seen to the naked eye was a hidden pendent under the pokemons fur.

'Perfect just who we wanted to see.' Though grabbing his third pokemon. "Infernape lend me your Aura." Ash said as a monkey with a flaming head came out.

"Let the final battle begin"


Hey everyone, I just want to day thank you for the endless support, I'm slowly getting back into the groove of writing, but please bear with me as it can be tedious to write sometimes. I will try to alternate between my 2 story's right now. Thanks once again!!!!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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