Chapter 14

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Loud cracks, ear-deafening screams of pure terror, and destroyed buildings were all that could be heard throughout the inner-wall. Titans where a threat no one wanted to encounter. Especially those within the inner walls. Those walls were meant to be a safe-haven for people with enough power, wealth and status. So, imagine their surprise when a Titan—a female one at that was running rampant through the city, after having repeatedly been stomping on the same spot for at least a dozen times before somewhat being satisfied with the result.

The result being that Titan's greatest annoyance several feet below the ground, with no possible means of escape whatsoever.

Annie Leonhart was satisfied. With her somewhat easy escape from the Survey Corp's clutches—thanks to a dull-headed Saitama, she was now free to resume her mission. However, her mission was somewhat difficult to complete... because she had absolutely no idea where to start looking for Eren Yeager. The Survey Corps was supposed to have some kind of a meeting within these walls, she overheard that much before her capture. Supposedly Erwin was going to discuss the Survey Corp's influence within the walls. Presumably he wanted to get more recruits, and wanted to spread the message within all walls, including this one. And as an example of how strong the Survey Corps is, he probably wanted Eren to accompany him along the way. A foolish mistake on his end.

Annie, now in her Titan form, was running rampant through the streets. She didn't care much for civilians, and the Military Police were all too dazzled to even begin to comprehend what was even happening. But who could blame them? A Titan within the innermost wall? You would be thrown into prison for even suggesting such an idea. Annie looked to her right, watching in slight amusement when several MP Officers cowered in fear when they stared directly into her eyes. Inwardly she chuckled, but on the outside her Titan features stayed the same. Monotone, fearless, that is who she was. Saitama was indeed powerful, almost as powerful as... basically any Titan she had encountered. Even Reiner and Bertolt would have trouble taking care of him. But now that he was buried underneath a thick layer of concrete and dirt...

Only a mere four hundred meters away from Annie's position, a small group of Military Police grunts were watching the Titan they had heard about so much close in on their position. Many of the troops, even the elder and higher-ranking ones, had fled to higher ground, hoping the Female Titan would not get them. The fact that only a handful of recruits stood firm, whether that be by adrenaline or misguided courage, proved once more how inferior the MP was compared to the Survey Corps. No matter how many MP's would be facing off against Titans, the Survey Corps would tenfold that kill count.

"Holy shit." One of the grunts breathed out in disbelief, running a sweaty hand over his face. "I can't believe what I'm seeing. How did it get inside?! This is the innermost wall for crying out loud!" he tuned to his comrades, hoping they would agree with him or perhaps try to shut him up, He just wanted someone to say something, damnit!

"Looks like we're all doomed, then." Another grunt, this one presumably the oldest of the group, replied, shaking his head and chuckling grimly to himself. "Fritz, you sure you don't want to run and hide from your problems like always?" he asked Fritz, who was glaring daggers at the Female Titan as she kept closing on their position.

"Shut up, Vilhelm." Fritz replied, his eyes still fixed upon the Titan. "This is the last time you mock me, asshole." He turned to his comrades, letting out a sigh before speaking up. "What have we been doing these last couple of months? Chasing criminals, patrolling the city, and doing some other crap that won't help humanity prevail? We should be fighting right now! Not running!"

"You chose this life, asshole." Vilhelm replied, crossing his arms. "If you wanted to fight so badly, then you should have chosen the Survey Corps. You could be hanging out with that guy who kills Titans with just one punch." He snickered. "And where is that guy now? Probably doing some stupid shit that isn't helping anyone."

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