Chapter 17

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In a way, some could describe the current predicament the Survey Corp's found themselves in to be... ironic. After venturing outside the Walls and risking their lives on every expedition it is only now that they realize that currently the very thing they were trying to destroy was already right on their doorstep.

If Titans had penetrated this deep into humanity's bastion then who is to say they aren't hiding somewhere underground, just waiting to strike at the right moment? And due to the severity of this situation the Survey Corps was in search of even more answers.


"Can you please stop doing that? It's getting on my nerves."

Levi's gaze slowly shifted towards his newfound comrade. Said comrade was currently busing himself by trying to balance as many wooden tankards on one another, creating a small pyramid like structure. "And why should I listen to you?" Levi asked sarcastically.

"You're ruining my focus." Saitama replied, not taking his eyes of his creation. "This is the furthest I've gotten so far. So just let me—."

Saitama was abruptly cut off from finishing his reply, as one of the tankards he had placed on top of his structure had shifted due to some unknown reason, and due to gravity and perhaps sheer bad luck, now caused Saitama's creation to collapse in an audible fashion.

Levi shook his head, trying to block out the sound of tankards hitting concrete floor. It was a good thing most of them were empty, said for a few drops of wine that spilled out of some. 'After everything that's happened, he's still oblivious to the fact we got lucky.' The captain thought to himself.

It was true for the most part. Due to the quick thinking of the Levi Squad and Eren actually sticking to a plan for once, the casualties during the battle with Annie's Titan form were kept at zero. This was not the case for the MP's, however. And even though Levi absolutely despised the King's men, he had to give it to them. They gave it their best.

Of course, it was up to the Corp's to clean up the mess in the end; just like it always comes down to in these kinds of situations. Though this was a situation no one could have seen coming.

About ten hours had passed since the initial battle between hero and Titan, and due to the fact that problems were kind of piling up on one another, it was decided by Erwin that Saitama would be kept as far away from the Wall Titan as possible and stay behind at the barracks. This, of course, due to the fact that the hero thought it'd be a good idea to try and see if this 'bigger Titan' was any different than the others he had faced.

It was only due to the quick intervention of a member of the Church that Saitama didn't just straight out rip the Titan out of the Wall. Apparently if it got into the sunlight. Things would have been bad.

Nothing much to gain after that. Even though Hanji really tried her best to get Pastor Nick to talk, he kept his food down and refused to say a word. It would seem that the Order of the Wall had more information about the Walls and their creator than they had initially thought. They weren't just a group of zealots who devoted themselves to their faith; but in actually perhaps a secret organization.

This was, on both ends, nothing more than speculation, of course.

"So, are we just going to ignore the fact that there is a giant monster in your Wall?"

It was Saitama who ended the awkward silence between the two. Levi turned his head to him and waited for him to continue. Even the Captain himself was at a loss for words at this time. Up until now everything had been quite simple. Just get to Eren's basement and kill Titans. But now things just seemed to be getting weirder and weirder.

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