Chapter 20

206 10 3

"first things first let's do something about that smell"

you are all lead down the corridor to a room with a strip of showers they hand you guys new clothes you find it suspicious that they know your size you dont know whats going on here but something is definitely wrong or these people just have conveniently perfect timing 

you step into the blistering hot shower you can hear the boys laughing and shouting but you zone out glancing at the floor at the blood washing of you that you wasn't even aware was there that leads you to one conclusion it was gallys the thought of his death makes tears well up in your eyes you were okay with him in the glade happy and safe but not dead  

you step out the shower you put the clothes on and as you guessed they fitted perfectly you look in a mirror your eyes are completely bloodshot red you break down crying at the image and punch the mirror it shattered into 1000 pieces you sit in the corner crying for awhile

 getting up you walk out the room and are lead to what looks like a medical wing  you look over to newt whos getting some strange injection minho is on a treadmill thomas is getting bloods taken your led to a cubical where you sit down

a short while later a woman comes over to you she has a sleek black bun the is something about her look that looks familiar but you couldn't put your finger on it

"hello elizabeth its good to see you again"

"umm hi should i know you"

the women looks at you for a moment then sighs "no but its a pleasure to meet you"

"but you said again"

"did i"

"yes you said its good to see you again"

"well am sorry my mistake" the women gives you a smile which makes you more suspicious 

 the women looks you over and escorts you to a machine for a x-ray but you already knew you had broken ribs you sit back in your cubicle waiting you see the women walking over

"your x-ray showed that you have a few broken ribs and we would like to do surgery to fix that if you will let us" 

you already knew that you don't need a x-ray to tell you that

"yes fine am happy to have surgery"

"grate wait here why i go get set up"

you see newt sat alone and make your way over to him you hand him gallys ring he looks up confused at you

"there taking me for surgery i don't want it to get lost"

newt nods and puts the ring in his pocket 

"how you holding up liz"

"like my whole lives fell apart newt i loved him so much i shouldn't of left maybe he would still be alive i don't have a purpose anymore i feel lost numb and my heart feels stabbed out i want to be mad at minho he stole the love of my life but. i can't"

"no liz them grievers probably came back and the rest of them are dead the is nothing we could do and gally made his choice and its not your fault lizzie i know your lost but it will get better one day at a time and where all here for you every step of the way especially me liz you're my sister and i know i would be so loosed without you"

tears well in your eyes again for the 1000 time today you pull newt in for a hug you hear a voice behind you

"where ready miss elizabeth"

you nod and follow the lady you lay down on some surgical table and the women hands you a mask

"now elizabeth i want you to breathe through this and count down from 10"

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