Chapter 32

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lets go you say to yourself now or never, you stroll into the building. Walking through some sort of  metal detector your heart pounding out of your chest as anxiety flows through your body half of you wants to run out of the door and hide in a hole somewhere but you had to do this doubts running though your mind. What if the alarm goes off. Nothing would stop you being captured that would also expose everybody else it would be your fault the plan failed. you couldn't out run these people if the alarm went off but to your  surprise the  detector light up blue and you walk through guess teresa did her job properly a small part of you is proud that your no longer property of wicked god you would of loved to brush that in there faces and you would when you get liv minho and any other kids stuck here. you  spotted thomas and newt with teresa and make your way over at a steady pace not to be suspicious 

you catch up to them staying a few paces being following them down the stairs when gally pulls in front of teresa at least you assume its gally you enter the staircase when gally calls out

"Hold on. Hold on I can get in here."

"Stay there. Throw me the walkie." thomas says he was right it was to risky for you all to stay in once place for too long without looking suspicious especially with the amount of cameras teresa leans down on the floor as thomas runs of when newt starts coughing and wheezing causing you all to halt

you knew what this meant he didn't have long you needed that antidote even if you knew it was just a time saver to find a permanent solution or you could manufacture the blocker somehow forever the is enough of you for god sake the was a whole maze of you guys 

"This'll work." gally says messing with the wires inside of the box

"Brenda, what's your status?" thomas shouts honest to god he's going to tell the whole of wicked you are here this man does not do subtle idiot 

"Status is, I'm working on it." benda replies you can tell she's out of breath did something go wrong on her end you hoped not i suppose thats all you can do in this situation like you hoped your friends would rescue you when you were captured by wicked you couldn't wait to see liv again worse case you end up stuck with her again anyway since worse case wicked take your group back hostage and you end up sharing a cell for the rest of your existence 

"Copy. Just make sure you're ready on your end." thomas again shouts

"do you have to shout thomas just tell the whole of wicked that where here" you whisper shout at thomas before brenda replies on the walkie talkie

"Don't worry. You know I'm gonna be there."

"All right, let's go" gally says attaching something to the electricity box and slamming its door shut

you make you way to where the imunes where being kept you go to open the door when it swings open thomas fires his gun and the guard flys back why getting electrocuted them same crappy bullets they used on you guys quite smart now you come to think of it 

everybody steps forward shooting the guards you hit the guard at your 12 o'clock ha jackpot you couldn't lie you were quite proud of yourself before randomly firing anywhere newt opens on of the cells

"Come on, let's go"  newt says leading the kids out of the room

"Get them open. Let's go It's okay. You guys are okay. Come on" thomas says letting more kids out of cells you frantically look around for liv or minho with no luck you run an unopened  newt opens the door rescuing the kids that it is safe to come out

"Come on, you guys are okay. Come on" 

with that liv exists the room and you pull her into a hug without saying anything

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