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April 1, 2021
Do not dwell on the past.
You can learn from the past but don't allow it to become your focus, as you can not undo things that have already been done, no matter how much you yearn to do so. Instead of wishing for the impossible, go to God & pour out your heart, remembering he is your refuge, & you can trust in him at all times.
Dark clouds of worry are blown away by simple childlike trust.
Be on the lookout for all that he is accomplishing in your life, making a new way for you.Don't fall into such a routine that you only see the same old things & miss the newness God places in your life.
Open the eyes of your mind & heart so you can see the many opportunitiesGod has placed along your path.
God can make a way where there appears to be no way.
With him all things are possible.

April 2, 2021VITALITY OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE The world teaches you that love is conditional: based on performance, appearance, & status

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April 2, 2021
The world teaches you that love is conditional: based on performance, appearance, & status. Although you may not believe this lie, the constant inundation & onslaught of this message from the dark fallen world you're living in can penetrate your thinking.  You are conditioned by the world to pursue change through effort, & while a change of the heart takes effort it takes more than that too―it takes love. It takes loving God more than anything else—which is more powerful than your good or bad behavior. As he loves you despite what you see as failure: when you hurt others, when you intend to do a good thing but then you change your mind and don't. His love is a different definition of love you are made to adopt and conditioned to live.
His love is unconditional.
That's why it's vital to spend time focusing on God— soaking in his presence, absorbing his word.
Setting aside time to be alone with God is counterculture, thus this practice requires discipline & determination. However it'll be well worth the effort, & the deposits of time spent with God will pay-off with more blessings than one could ever imagine. Living close to him brightens your life immeasurably. With him is the fountain of life; in his light you see light!!

April 3, 2021
Life can feel so complicated. Because the world is complicated, mistakes you make feel complicated. Because decisions and choices, second-guessing and doubt, mark everything with the brand, in bright, capital letters: complicated.
But God is not complicated, & his love for you is not complicated. It is pure, because he is pure.
His love withstands any loss, any pain, any challenge, any circumstance. Any troubles you may face in life will not last, eventually they fall away, & they will shape you, in a positive way, if you let them. Even if they are difficult, challenging, crushing to your heart, God's steadfast love is firm & unwavering & can make the challenges fuel for strengthening you. For you are his & you are not alone. And his view of your circumstances is so different from your own.
Relax into the truth that you are okay, that your current challenge is an opportunity to see God work in you.
Exhibit steadfast faith in God that is anchored, no matter how stormy circumstances become, no matter how treacherous the seas. Expect his goodness, love, presence,& count him always coming through.
Even if you can't see it yet, you will one day see.

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