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May 1, 2021
The more you meditate on God's word the stronger you'll become & more easily you'll win victories including the Battle of the mind.
Those who meditate day & night are like productive trees, & everything they do shall prosper. Thus, meditating on God's word brings results (psalm 1:2-3) .
Focus on God's Love & Power that's what operates in you, & gives you STRENGTH!

Focus on God's Love & Power that's what operates in you, & gives you STRENGTH!

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May 2, 2021
Nothing compares to how great God is.
Heavens declare his Glory, & the Earth & all it's Miraculous Beauty points to his power.
Allow God to empower you to live your life in a way that honors him.
He is HOLY, & set apart. He is Above every area of your Life, & it is by his hand that your world is held together.
He is always with you & encourages you to Love Mercifully, do what is right, & walk humbly.
All the GLORY & HONOR Belongs to him ALONE!

May 3,2021
God is worthy of your praise, honor, and adoration.
He heals the broken, and binds up the wounds of hurting people.
His light cast out the darkness and nothing can overcome his power.
He gives you Victory over sin and death.
He is good, and his mercy continues forever.
Focus on who he is and thank him for all he has done and all he has helped you overcome.

May 4, 2021DIVINE WISDOM & GUIDANCE The choices you make in life will determine the direction your life takes

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May 4, 2021
The choices you make in life will determine the direction your life takes. Thankfully you do not have to make decisions alone or go along life's journey alone. God knows your heart. He understands your deepest desires, and knows your every intention.
He knows you better than you know yourself. There is nowhere you could run or escape his presence, & nothing can be hidden from him.
That is why you should practice peaceful moments alone with him in prayer.
Even when you don't always know that to pray for, ask for him to give you his divine wisdom, guidance, & grace. When your soul is weary & tired, & you're often worried about making the right decision, ask him to guide you to a life that honors him.
Even when you may feel like you can't move forward or see what's ahead—He sees you, and knows you. So allow him to "take the wheel", and drive you forward, navigating you down the paths that lead to an abundant life.
As he guides you allow him to restore you, by placing your hope and faith in him at all times. Knowing no worries are needed if you live a life that honors GOD, because he knows all things and it is by him that your life is held together.
He is your salvation and strength in times of need. So hold him close and allow him to show and teach you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling-purpose he has instilled in your heart. Allow him to direct your steps in the direction of which Glorifies him.

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