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June,1, 2021
Maintaining Healthy relationships can be one of the greatest challenges, & requires constant "tuning & refining" our communication skills.
One common cause of breakdown is the practice of saying one thing, but meaning or implying something else, thus sending out mixed messages.
While mixed messages do not necessarily destroy relationships, they certainly do not die Hance them.
Mixed messages are manipulative & an attempt to be controlling, or to make people feel guilty, sorry for us, or unsure of themselves.
It's important we become aware when we're sending mixed messages; & realize how unfair we're being by tap dancing around the truth.
For healthy & growing relationships, strive for clear, open, & honest communications— in all situations, at all cost.
We need to communicate being straight forward, making it easy to discern your thoughts & intentions, leaving no grey area for mis-interpretation

June 2, 2021
Pride shows up in many different ways— criticism, stubbornness, superficiality, competition— & destroys relationships.
Problem with Pride is that it is self-deceiving & everyone but you can see it.
Humility is the antidote to Pride & builds relationships.
"You become who you spend most of your time with", so if you want to become more Humble spend time with God letting him control your thoughts, heart, attitudes, & reactions.
God will make you Humbler, & that humility will flow into other relationships.

June 3, 2021WELL of STRENGTH God is constant source of strength & good in your life

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June 3, 2021
God is constant source of strength & good in your life.
There is safety that comes with the knowledge that he will guide & care for you no matter what. The more you trust in him & grow your self confidence, the more you are free & able to take risk—explore capabilities & inner resources—have opinions & be assertive.
The more you trust in him & grow spiritually, the more you peruse spiritual objectives that you never thought could never be achieved— patience, tolerance, understanding, & unconditional love.
Your trust in God frees you to do things that previously were impossible.
Your growing sense of security gives you the freedom to Develop honesty & self awareness challenging your limiting beliefs & ideas.
No longer afraid to make mistakes, because you're willing to learn from them & continue to change.

June 4, 2021
Live a "Giving Lifestyle"!
Joy comes in reaching out to others & giving.
One must not fear losing their goods or end up with nothing, because the word of God is True.
We need to be mind FULL of ways to bless people.
When you think about how you can bless someone else you will get Joyful.
Early in the morning think of ways to bless someone, something to surprise or make them happy.
Ask God daily "Bless me, & make me to be a blessing to others".
You will be amazed at how quickly the Lord leads you to something good you can do for someone else.
Joy comes from Giving on God's Behalf.
Live Joyful!

Live Joyful!

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Phoenix Rising -Finding Joy in the Journey Where stories live. Discover now