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October 1
You are in the world but not of it, meaning you are in an environment but you don't have to be of it. You do not have to allow your environment to dictate your future. Let go of self-pity and victim mentality. Do not limit your potential by allowing negative thoughts to play over & over again in your head. You will always believe barriers are too big to break through, and relying on your own strength they very well might be, but remember with God all things are possible. Don't settle for less than God's best in your life. Believe in the promises of God, that there is greatness inside of you. Break through the Barriers that surround you and make an impactful difference living the life God intended for you to live.

October 2
Allow God to arise in your thoughts, & focus on his greatness, power, & all he has brought you through in the past. When you let God arise you make him Bigger than your problems, & struggles. Brag about what God has done & declare his promises. The enemy is always trying to get you to let your problems arise, so it is vital to keep a song of praise in your heart all through the day & turn your Worry time into Worship time— not only being positive, but letting God Arise & letting the most powerful force in the universe go to work on your behalf. The Bigger you make God the smaller your problems become & the more faith will arise in your heart. Your greatest problem is dwarfed by his greatness & promises meet all your needs.

 Your greatest problem is dwarfed by his greatness & promises meet all your needs

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October 3
Expand your vision. Move out of Self-pity & couple your faith with action to move up to the next level, & live the life God created you to live. Be intentional about who you surround yourself with & find people who are healthy, whole, spiritually strong, & will challenge you to rise up to your Full-Potential. Don't allow discouraging words from others or personal self destructive thoughts tell you who you can and can not be. Be the difference maker & create a new normal for yourself, & those around. Where you come from & your past does not define you. You are made for more than struggle, anxiety, or addition. You were made for greatness, freedom, & peace. You are who God says you are; everything he creates is a masterpiece.

October 4
Everyone faces unexpected failures, challenges, & things they do not understand. In those moments you have to make the decision to keep moving forward.
In the Bible everyone who fulfilled the plans God had for them faced many challenges— sickness, death, enemy opposition, losses, etc.- yet they pressed on. Failures are Not Fatal. You are equipped by God's spirit to remain strong through every challenge, take new ground, & keep pressing on towards new levels that God is calling you to do.

 You are equipped by God's spirit to remain strong through every challenge, take new ground, & keep pressing on towards new levels that God is calling you to do

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