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August 1
Sometimes you are able to see what God has done on your behalf, other times you are unaware of the hardships he has spared you from. His workings are often mysterious & he doesn't protect you—or anyone— from all adversity, but his work will widen the way before you, & demonstrate how much he is present & involved in your life. You will never have to suffer alone, he is with you always.

August 2
True Humility & Surrender are signs of Strength.  True humility recognizes how magnificent God is; it does not focus on your weakness but on His strength. Don't fix our eyes on how you feel, your weaknesses and problems. Instead fix your eyes on God—the Pioneer and Perfecter of faith.
Replace pride with humility, & selfishness with selflessness. Change the way you think & act, & put others first in a healthy way that honors God. & When you face opposition, struggles, and problems, always, in every situation, look up— fix your focus on God, & find strength in him, so that you do not grow weary and lose heart.

 & When you face opposition, struggles, and problems, always, in every situation, look up— fix your focus on God, & find strength in him, so that you do not grow weary and lose heart

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August 3
Call on god in honesty today. Don't try to hide your pain or anger, instead bring it to God. Cry out to him in prayer, write out your thoughts to him. Prayer is not a place a be "good", but to be honest. God wants to meet you in your deepest desires. Your struggles are far from off limits, they're invitations to prayer, to know his presence, & receive his mercy right where you need it. He is always near, & hears you when you cry out, he is your source of strength, & loves & cares for you even when you can't sense him, he is near.

August 4
When you look at the world around you it is easy to get overwhelmed & discouraged. But take heart, because although you may feel like you're falling apart on the outside, God is renewing you on the inside. Like a jar of clay— you're an earthen vessel, that in it of itself is bendable, pliable, & not strong. However the spirit of God lives in you and that power is enough to build you up, mold you, & renew you everyday. Trust and have faith, knowing that God is always present & is at work in your life. Transforming you into the beautiful being he created you to be.

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