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September 1
Having a positive Focus is not only countercultural; it's contrary to human nature. Your mind is a magnificent creation but it's deeply fallen. When Adam & Eve rebelled against God in the Garden of Eden, everything was damaged by the fall. As a result, seeking to focus on excellent things doesn't come naturally to you, & why at first you only Perceive Problems. Positivity requires persistent effort— making the right choice over & over again, hardwiring it into your brain. Daily, moment by moment, choose to look for what is Good. In spite of massive problems & chaos in the World, Much remains worthy of Praise!

 In spite of massive problems & chaos in the World, Much remains worthy of Praise!

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September 2
Joy is a choice. You may not have control over your circumstances, but you can choose to be Joyful. God created you with an amazing mind with the ability to think & make decisions. Your thoughts are extremely important because emotions & behaviors flow out of them, thus "where the mind goes the rest follows". So strive to make Good-Joyful Thought- Choices. Joy is the state when your heart is filled with the simple truth"God has made you & always with you". Whenever you're feeling Joyless remember God gave you his spirit, & this Holy Helper within you can help line up your thinking with the absolute truth of God's continual presence, & to seek to see him in the midst of your circumstances. At first you may only Perceive your Problems. But keep looking until you can discern the light of God's presence shining on your difficulties, reflecting sparkles of Joy back to You.

September 3
Don't waste energy lamenting bad things that you have no control over. Pray about these matters, but refuse to allow them to haunt your thoughts. Instead use your time, talents, & resources to push back the darkness. Focus your energy on doing whatever you can to brighten the place God has put you. As the world grows increasingly dark, remember you're the Light of the World. Spend ample time Seeking & Focusing on God's presence, & in his word— that'll help you Grow in Grace, & discern his will. Time spent with God will nourish your soul, redirect your thoughts, & provide you with comfort & encouragement. Thus, it will Strengthen you to be a source of strength for others & Shine his light into the World. Be the Ultimate Light Giver!

 Be the Ultimate Light Giver!

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