September 1, 1974

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Dear James,

We've just gotten to school today. You immediately ran off to your friends and I met Paige. I suppose you don't mind, we're mainly just best friends during the summer, though I guess you do keep me out of most of your pranks.

Have you ever seen the Hufflepuff common room? You're always bragging about Gryffindors' but I still think ours is better. It's really bright and homely, and right by the kitchens. You also don't have to climb up and down any staircases, which I think is a plus.

You came into my compartment earlier to ask where the kitchens were. Do you remember that?

I shouldn't have said, it's a Hufflepuff secret. But I couldn't help it because the way your face lit up was worth it. 

Paige looked at me suspiciously, but I ignored it and moved on. I hope that she won't catch on to my little crush.

Did you know that she actually fancies your friend, Sirius?

She has a lot of phases and right now it's boy crazy, so I don't think it will last, but now she won't stop talking about him.

Just think about how much she would make fun of me if she heard about who I fancied.

I wrote this because the feelings keep getting stronger, and I don't really know what to do about it. 

However, these letters do seem to help.



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