June 20, 1978

882 43 4

Dear James,

We've graduated!

I honestly can't believe that we've come so long from when we were little, trying to steal your parents' wands and pretending to duel each other.

I'm happy, really.

I guess...

But it still hurts, doesn't it? To see you twirl her around and kiss her and introduce her to your parents... It hurts to see all that...

But I'm happy for you. 

I know I say that in every letter, but I guess it helps to push down feelings of jealousy.

Really, though, why couldn't I be like Paige? You know she fancied Sirius for a while, but when he ended up with Remus, she was just fine.

Why can't I just not care as much?

Because I love you, that's why.

And you'll never know.



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