September 2, 1975

915 44 2

Dear James,

I think I might be in love with you.

How do I know?

Because you're in love with Lily.

It's obvious to see because you're such an obvious person. You love people and you show it. I can see it in the way that you light up when she enters the Great Hall and how you immediately went to go search for her on the Hogwarts Express.

It breaks my heart.

But I wouldn't blame you for it.

I don't think I'd ever be able to blame you for anything.

You started the year by asking her out again, and I know that I didn't imagine the small smile on her face.

Why would I imagine something that hurt me so much?

But even if she plays with your feelings like that, she makes you happy.

And that's all I want, I guess. I'd love if I were the one to do it, but I want you to be happy.



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