October 31, 1980

932 46 0

Dear James,

I haven't written in about a year because it's too painful to think about.

But I think that seeing you so happy is helping me. I'll be able to survive seeing you live out your life with Lily.

Little Harry is adorable, but I can tell you're worried about him. Neville was born as well, so they are good friends I think. 

I haven't seen you much; you don't contact me that often anymore.

I know you're busy though, and I don't blame you for it.

Paige is really scared. Her cousin was killed last week (I never met her, but she's really scared).  She might be moving into my flat soon as well, but it might take a while.

Either way, I just wrote in case anything happens... it's extremely dangerous.

Do I still have feelings for you?


Of course I do.

I don't think I'd ever be able to stop.

But I've learned to live with it.



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