February 10, 1975

947 52 3

Dear James,

You asked someone else.

Lily Evans, she's a Gryffindor.

She said no.

I don't know why, though I'm secretly thankful. You were upset, though, and that hurt me.

I suppose you just see me as a friend, and I guess I could be happy with that. After all, I'd rather play a small part in your life than disappear after you reject me.

Either way, I comforted you, because that's what I'll always be here for. I'll always be your friend, I think I'd die if I wasn't.

That doesn't mean that your gesture for Evans didn't hurt me. It broke my heart, it really did.

I wonder if you still know Evans in the future. Are you guys dating? Are you married?

Most might be fooled but I could tell that she secretly likes you, and you're really ambitious, that's for sure. You'll probably keep asking her out until she says yes, and as much as I hate it, it's one of the reasons that I started fancying you.

And in addition, it makes sense for you to fancy her. If anyone deserves you, it would be her.

She's got bright red hair, you always said you liked redheads. I might have used to think it was about me, but I can tell now that mine is much more of an auburn-brown than actually red. Those were foolish thoughts.

She's a really good student, on top of every class along with Lupin, your other friend. I wouldn't be surprised if she became Head Girl one day.

And, like I said earlier, she's a Gryffindor, just like you. Just as brave and courageous. You'd make a good pair, as much as I hate to admit it.



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