June 10, 1975

936 50 0

Dear James,

I had to stop writing for a while, Paige almost found me last time. However, not writing didn't suppress my feelings. I still fancy you, now more than ever.

I was right, by the way. You ended up asking Evans out every single week. 

It breaks my heart every time, and I can tell that each time she says no it breaks yours.

But you won't stop, why? Because you're consistent like that. You care about people and you never stop. It's something that I love about you, even if it doesn't work in my favor.

We'll be going into fifth year soon. Can you believe it? I can't. 

And we're going into summer as well, my favorite time of year. Why? Because I get to spend so much time with you. It's probably selfish, but I can't help it. I love spending time with you and this is the one time of year when there's no Evans or Black or Lupin or Pettigrew.

I cherish every second of it.



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