October 27, 1977

890 52 4

Dear James,

I almost forgot what it was like to write to you. I haven't done it in a whole year.

I actually got over my feelings for a while; I stopped seeing you as much and I spent more time studying with Paige.

But Lily Evans finally said yes.

And all the feelings came crashing down again.

You're going to Hogsmeade this weekend together, and you asked for my help. 

I was actually really surprised, as we haven't talked a lot in ages.

But then I remembered how much I loved you, how much I still love you, and I can't help but feel extremely jealous of Lily.

What does she have that I don't?

No, that's rude. It's obvious, I suppose. She's outgoing and kind and beautiful and you deserve her.

I'll stick by that no matter how much I wish it was me instead.



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