The Party

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"Luke" I say spinning around. He looks so hurt,
Oh god what have I done?

"Nini, Ricky. We need you in here" Mrs.Jen said pulling them inside the dressing room. Great now I can't even explain.

"Jules I-"

"Luke I'm so sorry, I should have told you or something. I don't love him not all I love-"

"I'm not mad Jules" He says grabbing my hand. I look up at him and tilt my head in confusion. He's not?

"I mean I knew you sent a letter to him" right right.
"And the reason we're even together is cause I'm trying to get Carrie back"

"Yeah your right" of course, he's still in love with Carrie. It's all fake Julie

"So let's go watch this musical" He says throwing an arm around my shoulders and walking into the gym.

We sat in silence through most of the show until EJ showed up in Rickys place. I pulled my head off Lukes shoulder and look around. I see Ricky at the door nervously watching the audience. I look around and see his mom with her boyfriend. Poor Ricky

That was amazing. I always knew Nini was good but she owned that role. We all stand up and cheer. Oh god, now we have to party.
I go back stage and to the dressing room but stop when I hear someone talking.

"I love you" Ricky says, making Nini turn around. I watch from the doorway, just out of the way so they can't see me.

"I've loved you since you picked up your ukulele and wrote a song about clouds, a silly little song about clouds. I love you and that light in your room when you said you love me I meant to say it, I meant to say it and I've kicked myself every day since then for not saying it. But I do, I love you. I've loved you since seventh grade, when I puked all over your shoes and you said-

"Don't worry, I've wanted to get rid of theses for a while"

"Yeah cause you outgrew them. The thing is I never outgrew you, and I don't know what happens tomorrow or in two minutes when we walk out that door. All I know is that I want is feeling to keep going. Because this whole experience has- i'm just not ready for it to be over. I don't want this just be showmance. really I want to be the real thing I mean I think it is the real thing but-"

"Ricky do you know what musicals when they burst into song because they run out of things to say. Sometimes it's just better to kiss" she says and pulls him on for a kiss.

Oh my god, that was adorable.
"Jules you coming?" Luke ask from the hallway, I nod in response and walk away.

At the party
"Come dance with me" Alex says drunkenly. I giggle and he pulls me onto the dance floor.

"Have you seen Luke anywhere?" I ask looking around. I haven't seen him in a while.

"He's probably waiting for you upstairs" Alex giggles.

"What?" I ask, taking his drink and downing it.

"He's smitten with you" He says continuing to giggle.

"You really think so?"

"I'm sure of it" He smiles.

"I'm gonna go help see if I can find him"

"I'm surrrreee" he says slurring his speech. I shake my head and run upstairs. I open a few doors and of course people are making out. I see finally reach an empty room and Luke is waiting there. He's on the edge of the bed and he smiles seeing me.

"Well are you gonna come in or what?" He ask and I nod. I walk in and close the door. I stand in front of him.

"Luke I-" I start but he pulls me onto his lap.

"Jules, your so pretty and talented and beautiful. I don't want us to be fake anymore" butterflies flutter in me at his confession. "Do you want us to be fake?"
He ask. Instead of answering, I kiss him. He grabs my waist and flips me over. He's looming over, my hand pressed down against the bed.

"Luke I-I" I start stuttering "umm your so great and I really like you" I whisper nervously. He smiles and kisses me again. We make out for a while until Luke pulls back.

"I think we should stop" He says sitting up.

"What? What did I do wrong?" I ask sitting up beside him. He turns to me and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.

"No no Jules, you didn't do anything wrong. Your perfect. I just want our first time to be special, not at some party" he says, leaning on his arm. I lean in and kiss him again.

"So like are we dating or what?" I ask as he kisses my neck. He pulls back and I smile.

"Well I would say since we already were, yes" I smirk and grab his hand, pulling him up. We stop outside the door and I tug at his shirt. He leans down and kisses me again. I drag him downstairs.

"What are we doing here?" He pouts, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I wanna dance" I say turning to face him.

"No I don't dance" He says staring into the coward.

"Not even for me?" I ask and he shakes his head no. I push his hands off my waist and grab Reggies hand. He's so drunk, he doesn't know what's going on. I pull Reggie onto the dance floor and he spins me around. He stops suddenly and I feel someone behind me. Luke grabs my hand and spins me around so we're face to face.

"I got you to dance" I whisper, kissing the tip of his nose.

"Your such a brat" He snickers.

The next morning
I wake to a pair of arms around my waist. I smile and turn over slowly to see Luke looking at me.

"Beautiful" He whispers.

"What? The sun, yes it is"

"I'm talking about you dork" he says kissing the side of my face. I could wake up like this forever. Unfortunately, Luke gets up.

"Where are you going?" I whine.

" I told Carlos I'd help them make breakfast" He smiles, he walks over and kisses my forehead.

"Okay I'll be down soon" I say blowing him a kiss. I get out of bed and start getting dressed when I hear a phone go off. I go back into my room and see it's Luke's phone. I pick it up and open the phone.

I never saw you last night Lukey, I thought you were gonna be in the guest room but when I got there you weren't :(

He was there for Carrie along, if I hadn't have come in. He and Carrie would be back together.

A/n: I'm so sorry, I broke up juke in the same part they got together officially. But I promise I have a some parts coming y'all's way.  -R

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