It was her all along

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"It was her all along" I say, my eyes filled with tears. Luke turns around and leaps over the kitchen island.

"Hey hey what's wrong?" He says grabbing my shoulder. I shove his hands off me and cross my arms.

"If I hadn't had come in, you-you would be with Carrie" I say my voice trembling with each word. He gives me a confused look and I throw the phone at him. He looks up at me, guilt filling his eyes.

"You were there for Carrie, I was so stupid to think anything different. You still love her don't you"

"No I don't Julie, I mean I thought I did but-"

"Where you there for her? Yes or no?"

"Julie" he starts

"YES OR NO" I yell, getting annoyed.

"Yes" he whispers. I feel like my heart gets ripped out all over again.

"Get out" I mumble.

"Jules, please let's talk about this"

"No, get out now"

"Jules" he says reaching out again. I shove his hands away.

"GET OUT LUKE. Don't call me Jules, don't touch me, and don't ever talk to me again" I say running back upstairs, sobbing.

Over the next few days, I don't leave my room. The world seems to weep with me. I don't know what I expected, I knew he was trying to get Carrie back. I was so blind to everything, I thought that maybe he loved me. I sit with my legs pulled to my chest, watching the rain falls outside when there's a knock on my door. Before I can answer, the door cracks open.

"Hey Julie" Nini says sweetly. I don't answer and keep my eyes trained on the rain. She sits on the edge of the bed near me.

"Carlos told me about you and Luke"

"I bet your happy, I mean you were right about him after all" I say, wiping away a stray tear.

"I'm actually pretty disappointed. You guys seemed, I don't know like you were made for each other"

"Well clearly, we aren't"

"I don't believe that" she says moving to the bench infront of me.

"What?" I say now looking at her.

"Julie, sometimes people who love eachother lose there way and don't see what's infront of them. Maybe it's not too late"

"It was all fake" I mumble. I look at her face but she doesn't seem shocked.

"Did you hear what I said Nini? It's fake"

"Like I couldn't tell. I am your sister after all"

"You knew we weren't really dating"

"I knew my sister wouldn't date someone she's known for 2 seconds so something was up" She laughs a little, making me smile. "There's that beautiful smile"

"Nini, I feel broken. I think I love him and now I don't know what to do. I just wish mom was here to help me"

"I know, I wish she was too. I can't say anything for y'all's relationship cause saying it's complicated is an understatement but I can say this. I saw the way he looked at you and the way he held you a little tighter. I saw how you looked at him and how y'all worked together. That my dear sister, was not at all fake"

"What did I do to ever deserve a sister like you?" I ask, grabbing her hand.

"I should be asking the same thing" She smiles. Carlos knocks and comes in.

"Hey Carlos" I say turning to him. He looks down at the ground, guilty "what's wrong?"

"I have something to tell you, Nini please hold her back"

"What?" Nini ask, I'm pretty sure Carlos has lost it.

"So I came in here, while you too where off somewhere and I found this box of letters. I sent them out thinking you'd have a boyfriend and maybe you'd be back like Nini"

"YOU DID WHAT" I yell jumping to my feet "you sent out the letters?"

"I'm sorry, I-"

"Carlos run, I'm giving you a chance" I say, his eyes go wide snd I start to chase him around the house. Finally Nini stops us. We're all out of breath and I collapse onto the couch.

"Julie, he didn't mean to" Nini says, sitting beside me.

"I know"

"I liked Luke, he was nice to me snd drove me to school" Carlo says jumping on the other side of me.

I liked Luke too, I wanted to say. I miss Luke, I wanna see him. But I can't, I won't.

We spend the rest of the day, just the 3 of us. It's nice, we haven't done this in a few months.

But I still can't stop thinking about the truth, it was her all along. All these feelings I have mean nothing because it's her he's been after. I just been lying to myself

A/n: kinda a short part, but another will probably be posted today. We'll see, I have a benchmark :(  -R

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