Happily ever after?

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"Mommy" a young Julie whines, trying to hoist herself onto the couch. Her mom helps her up and holds her close.

"Momma, I want what they have"  Nini says gesturing to the tv where Tory and Gabriella sing together for yeh first time.

"They knew they loved eachother when they met" Nini smiles. Julie crosses her arms and shakes her head no.

"I don't think so, they're not made for eachother" Julie argues. Nini rolls her eyes and turns to Julie.

"And why not?"

"Because you should never have to change for your happily ever after. Right mama?"

"Well in the end, they don't Jules. They get to be who they are, regardless of who knows. That's true love, that's a happily ever after" Rose says kissing her daughter heads. They both shrug there shoulders, not understanding and turn their attention back to the movie.

" I had no idea, Alex. What if he supposed to be my happily ever after?" I whine, throwing myself onto his couch. Alex chuckles and sits beside me.

"Then you'll find your way back to each other" he smiles then his eyes go wide. Wait wait wait, back to each other? As in one of us Is leaving?

"Back to each other? What do you mean back"
I ask and Alex slaps his hand over his mouth.

"Frick, I wasn't supposed to say anything" he groans, throwing a pillow over his face.

"Alex what are you not telling me?" I ask, sitting up and looking at him with urgency filling inside me.

"Well you see. He's kinda leaving"
Great explanation Alex, that cleared up everything.

"Leaving? Why is he leaving? When is he leaving?"

"Yeah, tomorrow tonight"

"What about his parents?" I ask, now pacing.

"He's running away. Julie, he doesn't have any reason to stay. We already tried to reason with him"

"Why? I need to see him. I need to do something"

"Julie, what can you do?" Alex ask, staring at the ceiling.

"I have to do something" I say, laying back on the couch. "Are the guys coming over?"
Maybe if I saw Luke one more time, I could could convince him to stay.

"Reggie is, I think" Just like he heard us, he burst through the door.

"And thank you for the dramatic entrance Reginald" Alex jokes as Reggie throws himself beside us. He turns to Alex and whispers.

"Have you told her?"

"Yes and you know she's like right there" Alex says pointing over Reggie head to me. Reggie turns and gives me a half smile.

"I'm sure he doesn't wanna leave Julie, it's just something he thinks he needs to do" Reggie says placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I just wish I wasn't the reason that he was leaving. I mean he's running away, from home and school and his friends and his future cause of one stupid fight with me"

"Your not just some girl though" Alex says.

"Julie, could I talk to you for a moment" Mrs.Mercer says catching our attention. I nod and we go into yen kitchen.

"Sweetie, I know you don't have a mom so here's my best advice. I've known Luke since he and Alex could walk. I know way more then you kids think I do. If you love him you gotta tell him. He's never been quite the same, he wasn't the happy boy I knew after his sister died. It broke his whole family. Which is why, well it was so nice to see y'all together" she pauses for a moment "to see him so happy. I know he loves you, he just doesn't quite know how to say it. He's always been like that and when she died. It just didn't help. But he let you in, that's not an easy thing to achieve"

"Thank Mrs.Mercer. You have no idea how much I needed that" I say hugging her.

"You welcome sweetie. If you ever need some motherly advice I'm here. I'm sure your dad isn't that awesome at it" she laughs. I shake my head laughing too.

"He's definitely not" I giggle.

"And Julie. You do love him right?"

"Uh yeah I do" I say turning around.

I love Luke, I mean I love Luke. I gotta tell him.

"Guys, I gotta go" I say hastly grabbing my bag.

"Woah woah why? It's after midnight"

"I can't let Luke leave, he's my happily ever after. I love him and I gotta tell him before it's too late. Where is he?"

"We-we don't know. He wouldn't tell us, I know he's not home though" Alex says grabbing his car keys.

"Your coming with?"

"I say let's go find your happily ever after" He smiles. Reggie jumps from behind him.

"I second that, now come on" He says grabbing us by the arms.

Maybe I will get my happily ever after.


I can't wait for the ending......... it's gonna be epic hopefully

Lots of love and no hotdogs -R

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