The Orphuem and after

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I walk over to him and he smiles, while playing his guitar and singing.

Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing
I'ma stand tall, I'ma stand tall
Like I'm glowing in the dark
I keep on going when it's all falling apart
Yeah I know it with all my heart
Ooh, ooh

Me and Reggie leans against eachother as I sing. I look back to Luke as he sings another line.

Never look back
We go back to the main stage and Alex stands up singing. God that boy can sing

Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing
I'ma stand tall, I'ma stand tall
Now Reggie

Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing
I'ma stand tall
I'ma stand tall
We all join in and sing.

Stand tall, Stand tall

Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing
I'ma stand tall
I'ma stand tall
Whatever happens
Even when everything's down
I'ma stand tall
I'ma stand tall

I mow towards Luke and we share a mic, singing together.

I gotta keep on dreaming
'Cause I gotta catch that feeling
Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing
I'ma stand tall
I'ma stand tall
The song ends and the coward goes ballistic. Bobby and Reggie are eating up the fawning girls but I feel Luke looking at me.

"Reg, Bobby I need to show y'all something" Alex says grabbing them. They give him a confused look snd he nods towards me. It clicks and they all leave. It's just me and Luke.

"I can't believe you came" I say, folding my hands together and staring at the ground.

"I would never leave you hanging Jules, you know that"

"Yeah I guess you wouldn't, I'm sorry for earlier today. I'm just hurt and I know it's no excuse but-"

"It's fine, I deserved it. I've been a jerk"

"You didn't, I was upset not just at you and I shouldn't have taken it out on you Luke" I say pulling his face up. I pull my hand away but Luke grabs it and holds it.

"I'm so sorry about everything Julie. I should have never ever made you fake date"

"So you regret it?" I ask pulling my hand away.

"That's not what I meant"

"You know what Luke. I don't regret it, o don't regret joining the bend or falling for you. Any of it. But I do regret that I thought you would ever feel the same. That you would you change your feelings or that we could ever work out" I say, tears brimming in my eyes. I will them not to fall
"I've spent so long wanting to feel in love, I really thought we were but I was wrong"

"Jules I-"

"You don't have to explain or defend yourself, let's just go back to being strangers in the hallway. Take your hand back and get back with Carrie. I'm not stopping you anymore Luke" I say, kissing his cheek and walking away.

I spend the rest of the night going over  it all. How could so ever be so dumb? I feel like my hearts been ripped out. I decide to quit moping around and go into the garage. I walk in and my heart gets hit with a deep pain.

"Mom, I don't know if you can hear me or not but I wish you were here. I need you, I don't know what to do. I wanna be with him mom, I love Luke. I mean I guess it's not up to me, he doesn't want me. So why can't o stop thinking about him? You know, I used to think Nini didn't care you were gone or didn't miss you. Now I know, she misses you. She misses you more than you could ever imagine. We all do, it's so hard. It's so hard to wake up and you not be there. I keep thinking about everything. You'll never get to see my prom or wedding. You won't see my graduate, I won't get to tell you about boys" I spill, my voice trembling "why did you have to leave? Everyone keeps telling me that I have to move on and that your in a better place. I just don't know. But I'm getting there, I played the Orpheum. It's crazy, another thing that Luke brought. For how much pain he's brought me, he's also made me the happiest I've been" I look over at the clock and the time shows 12

"I have to go but if you did hear me, show me" I whisper the last part. I leave the garage, holding my arms across me. I walk up to the house snd see Carrie there?

Infront of the house
"Carrie what the hell are you doing here?" I ask, running up and crossing my arms in anger.

"I'm sorry Julie, for how've I treated you. I've been terrible"

"What's with the change of heart?"

"It was me, I posted the photos. I was jealous, I've always been"

"Why? Why me?"

"Because when we were kids, Luke always wanted you to hang with him. That's all I wanted. Well i thought anyway"

"You can have him, he doesn't care about me anyway"

"Of course he does, he's practically head over heels for you"

"How would you know?"

"Cause the day I sent him that text. He had already told me he wanted to talk, I knew so I was kinda counting on you seeing HRW text. After he left your house, he called me and told he I had ruined everything. I'm so sorry"

"I- he said that?"

"Yes, you've changed him completely Julie. I hope you know that"

God, did I mess up?

A/n: only 2 more parts till the end 🥺
I've loved writing this for y'all. I hope you all enjoyed reading it!

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