My OCs

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These are my characters, most of which have been seen in my fanfic Masks as well as my tumblr and Instagram comic Into the Ark. 

I'll be giving their names/some brief info on them. Feel free to ask for requests involving them, as that's sort of why this is here + for the parts that I write anyway involving them.

Female. Full name Ashley Ray Koleman. Demisexual/Non-binary (she/her, they/them, and rarely he/him while in the mask)

She was born in what her father called the ARK and was doomed to be stalked by Slender from the start. At thirteen Slender took control of her and she ended up killing her younger sister, Faith. Her father then gave her a mark meant to block out It's control, which is semi-helpful. She has evaded becoming a proxy but is only kept alive as a way for Slender to experiment/learn how the mark works and what she's capable of.
Pawn is their masked state and tends to be more violent, though relies more on speed and surprise than brute force. Her weapons are usually blunt objects like a bat but they also carry a hunting knife. they do speak while in this form.
She's in an iteration cycle so some minor details shift around along with people she knows.

Male. Full name Zac Christopher Evans. Straight

He lived a rather normal life until he got together with Ash, who'd helped get rid of his bullies. Zac tried to help her after hearing about being stalked by Slender, only really believing it when she nearly killed him. He hates that she broke it off and pushed him away to 'protect him' from it. Due to this, he willingly became a proxy in hopes of being with her again when she finally couldn't fight Slender off. However, the feelings of power he gets from being a proxy corrupted him. All he cares for now is to do as told and hopefully be the one to kill Ash when Slender is done with her. His codename is Watcher, though it isn't a masked state or alter he goes into. 
Like Ash, he's also part of an iteration cycle.

 Male. Full name Ethan Ross. Omnisexual

Ash's cousin. He constantly tries to help her fight, though there isn't much he can do. After reading into her father's journals he did eventually summon a demon named Alastor and made a deal. In the end, he died due to the demon driving him insane. 
Being part of the same iteration cycle as the other two however, he and Alastor have started gaining more of an understanding. In the most recent cycle the two have actually gotten along quite well, as due to a prior accident, Ethan can recall some memories of the previous cycle where the two were trapped in a body due to a mispronunciation when Ethan summoned him.

Male. Power level: Operator. Species: demon. Pansexual.

A demon that once fought against Slender and on the side of Zalgo. He doesn't really care for physical violence but could easily kill weaker beings if he tried. In fact, he really doesn't like gore, though creating hallucinations and illusions of it are fine for him. He tends to keep to his own realm or the human realm and feeds off the fear and torment of mortals. Physical touch can increase the hold he has over a victim's mind and most eventually go on to die after he drives them insane. His illusions are so intricate they fool all five human senses. Alastor sticks around the iteration cycle due to being summoned in most cycles by Ethan and because it's like a recyclable food source. He tends to be vain and dramatic.


Female. Does not recall her full name. Aromantic/Lesbian

Wasn't originally part of the iteration cycle Ash and the others are stuck in. She was actually killed by Zac to hurt Ash, as they'd once been friends, but her memories were warped upon being turned into a proxy. She blames Ash for her death, though is too loyal of a proxy to go against orders and kill her. Hazard has to wear a mask with gasmask-like filters to help aid her breathing and has burn scars on her face. Her weapons of choice are retractable claws she wears that attach to a device containing several different poisons she can choose between. These devices however cannot be removed and are embedded into her nervous system so that she may switch toxins and retract the claws at will as if they were another body part. Given Alice enjoys anime, she actually loves this ability and even used this interest an outfit inspiration. 


Male. Full name Marcus Koleman. Straight

A devoted proxy to Slenderman, he often goes out to recruit followers to help feed the entity or find victims to do so himself. He also hunts down Sources to weaken the Operator. Marcus was seen as a prodigy, following in his father's footsteps with ambition after his dad had caught the sickness while fighting overseas; unlike Ash, he isn't a born proxy as he'd already been a child at the time. For a time, he had to lay low to raise his family, wavering in his duties. As a result, he lost his younger daughter, Faith. In anger at the punishment he left his older daughter, Ash with a mark that would prevent Slender from fully being able to make her a proxy. After losing his wife shortly after as punishment, Marcus called it even and continued to follow loyally while even having his name promoted from Null to Cardinal as a show of status to the lower ranking proxies. As one of the more experienced and respected proxies, Cardinal hopes to one day become part of the higher ranking Collective.


Genderless or that of vessel. Full name is Rook. Non-binary (they/them), Aro/Ace

A creature made by Alastor with a scrap of soul, azoth, and some of his energy. They hold no alliance to Alastor, and don't remember their creation, nor do they like Slenderman or the Operator. While usually hiding within a vessel, their true from is a large black creature with a long snout and a mix of cat and bird-like features. Their white glowing eyes help mark their hunger level. Rook is neutral when it comes to helping humans, as they also use them as a source of food by consuming their souls. However, they aren't against providing help instead should they find one interesting, useful, or Rook decides they owe them a favor in return for something. They live in the ARK and are unable to leave it without a vessel to carry them.

*more subject to be added if I decide to include them in any one-shots

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