Chapter 1: Debut

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It was finally time. You had poured a lot of time, effort, sweat and tears into this over the past year. It was finally time to see if your hard work was worth it. After triple checking everything to make sure it was set up correctly, you clicked the button. 'Well, there's no turning back now,' you thought.

After almost exactly one hour, your debut stream was over. It had gone very well, despite your voice cracking in the middle of the first thing you said. You were surprised at how many people had shown up. Before starting the stream, you thought the live view count would peak at a few dozen. However, when you checked roughly half way through, there were almost a thousand people watching.

You uploaded your schedule for the remainder of the week to Twitter. After several failed attempts, the message finally sent and you decided to scroll through your feed. Once again, you were surprised. This time it was the amount of kind messages, consisting mostly congratulatory statements with a few people mentioning how they were looking forward to your upcoming streams sprinkled in.

The stream had exhausted you, despite only going for an hour so you decided to have a nap. Just as you fell asleep, your phone's screen lit up after having received five simultaneous notifications.

One three hour nap and several slices of bread later, you were staring at the lock screen of your phone. Or more specifically, the five notifications that you had not dismissed. They were Twitter notifications. Notifications that you had received direct messages. A couple of things about these messages confused you; they were received at the same time and they were sent by the HoloMyth girls.

All five messages contained some sort of congratulation. Just as you finished reading the last message, someone tried to call you. It was an unknown number but you answered anyway, being the mature adult you are.

'Good job, Y/N.'

'Nice one!'


There were other words being said but they blended together. After a few seconds, during which you realised it was the HoloMyth girls calling you, they stopped talking. Part of you wanted to hang up out of shock and confusion but the other, larger, part said no. 'Uh... Thanks?'

You could barely hear Gura ask, 'Why does he sound confused?'

'Maybe we should explain,' Kiara said.

'Well go on,' Amelia responded.

'Why can't Calli tell him? It was her idea!'

'Shut up! Just tell him already.'

'Fine,' Kiara sighed. 'Where should I start...? Ah, I know! So, earlier I was making some toast-'

'He doesn't need to know that, humu.'

'Then get someone else to explain! Anyway, I was making some toast when Calli asked, 'Hey, do you wanna watch this new Vtuber's debut? The others are.' Obviously I said yes because Calli asked me-' Kiara squeaked and you assumed the cause was Calli stomping on her foot. 'So we watched your debut and it was good!'

There was silence for a few seconds as you thought about what Kiara told you. 'Why did you decide to watch my debut in the first place?' There were other things you wanted to know, such as how they had gotten your phone number, but this was more important.

This time Calli answered. 'Because you're the first English speaking Vtuber to debut in months.' That would explain the unusually large amount of people watching despite you being a solo Vtuber.

'Which one of you is calling me?' This was the next highest thing on your list of stuff to find out.

'That would be me,' Calli responded again. You quickly added her to your contacts and were about to ask something else when she said, 'We would love to keep talking to you but we have things to do and I'm sure you do as well.' You looked at your phone as she hung up. It took several minutes for the realisation that five of the most well-known Vtubers had called you to congratulate you on your debut.

The following morning you were streaming Minecraft. Despite only debuting the previous day, you weren't nervous at all. Until chat started zooming. This caught your attention as only a few hundred people were watching. Scrolling back through chat just to be able to read what they were saying, you were reading countless, 'hi ame's and several variations. 'Hi Ame,' you said as you continued scrolling. Amelia watching your Minecraft stream made you nervous because she's a pro gamer and you are not.

Unfortunately for your several hours of progress, you were blown up while trying to find Amelia's message. This caused you to lose all interest in Amelia's original comment. This time you caught the detective's comment, which was 'noob'.

Ignoring Amelia, you proceeded to attempt to retrieve your items. Half an hour later, chat, including Amelia, was laughing at you for several reasons. As you couldn't be bothered to deal with the consequences of your actions, you ended the stream.

After you had closed everything and switched off your PC, you lay in bed with your phone beside you. You weren't trying to fall asleep, as you weren't tired, but you couldn't be bothered to do anything else.

It was at this point in time, when you were thinking about life, that your phone lit up with a notification. This time it was an email. From the one and only YAGOO.

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