Chapter 13: Anniversary

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'Well chat, it's been an amazing journey. I've had a lot of fun streaming for all of you.' Chat was panicking. They were scared. They thought you were retiring. Instead of reassuring them, you kept going. 'I hope you guys have had fun as well. I made some good memories along the way and I'm sure you have as well.'

As you had your fun with chat, you barely heard Ina giggling behind you. Since this was an important stream, she insisted that she was there. Even if she had to stay on your bed, away from the microphone so chat would probably not hear her.

After a few minutes, you decided to stop teasing chat as it was full of people who were genuinely concerned. 'C'mon, guys! I'm having way too much fun to leave you now. Can't you tell that I'm reflecting on the incredible year we've had together. This is my one year anniversary stream after all.'

For your anniversary stream, you had planned a few things for your audience. 'It's about time to begin the celebration, chat. I have some pretty cool things prepared. But first, I need to go to the loading screen.'

It took a bit longer than you expected to make the changes, as you've never done this before. You got there eventually.

'Sorry for the long wait.' You transitioned back to your main stream layout. 'Ta-da!' Chat was very excited to see your new avatar. This reaction filled you with happiness as it had taken a very long time to prepare.

The new avatar was the result of several things. One of these was the time Ina spent teaching you how to draw better. She was impressed when you showed her the first sketches.

You proceeded to show off your new avatar to your audience in the typical fashion.

After fulling milking the opportunity to boast about your improved skills, you moved on to the next portion of your stream. Now, you were going to give your friends an opportunity to call you on stream, as Vtubers usually do during important celebration streams.

This ended up going very well. All the HoloMyth girls called and congratulated you except for Ina. Instead of calling you, the priestess sat next to you and congratulated you from there. Chat liked this quite a bit, spamming S/N just like they always do.

Ina ended up staying by your side for the rest of the stream. You didn't mind though as you always enjoyed her company.

With the stream out of the way, you could spend the rest of this important day with Ina. Or so you thought. The doorbell rang and upon opening the door, you found the other four HoloMyth girls standing on your doorstep.

'What are you doing here?'

'Aw, don't be so mean. We're here to celebrate with you. Lasting a whole year as a solo Vtuber is pretty impressive.'

'Yeah! You should be proud of yourself.'

You never got used to the incredible amount of kindness these girls had, despite hang out with them for almost a year. However, you had gotten better at accepting and receiving it.

This was, by far, the best part of your day. Sure, the stream was fun but celebrating with your friends was one of your favourite things to do.

You were genuinely having a great time as the six of you relaxed in your living room. Gura was playing with (read: bullying Kat). Amelia was trying to save Kat from the shark. Kiara was being just as thirsty for Calli as she always was.

This left you and Ina sitting next to each other on the couch. She let her head lean on your shoulder as you said, 'before I started doing this I never imagined I'd end up here, celebrating my one year anniversary with a group of amazing people. I'm really glad I decided to do this.'

'I'm really glad as well.'

As the afternoon stretched into the evening, the other girls left. Shortly after, you and Ina fell asleep sitting on the couch, leaning against each other.


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