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🦀 Chapter 1: Clumsiness & Cola 🦀

🦀 Chapter 1: Clumsiness & Cola 🦀

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*17 years later*

Ring!! RinG!!

Namjoon jolted up in bed before falling off of his mattress. On impact, his head smacked into the crusty carpet of his apartment. Without a second thought, he grabbed his crab shaped alarm clock and threw it across the room. He laid on the floor for a few minutes as exhaustion took over his system once again.

Then his previous actions processed in his head...

Namjoon scrambled over to his alarm clock. It was mangled, with wires sticking out here and there. He had no idea how it had gotten to this state. He had only thrown it at the wall...

Sighing, the man scooped up his prized possession from the ground. He set it in its previous spot on the nightstand. He'd have to take it to his friend Hoseok's repair and thrift shop later. Though, Namjoon wasn't sure if the cheerful man would be able to fix it.

He remembered when he had brought his damaged knock-off airpods to Hoseok. Well...damaged was an understatement. Namjoon had tripped over his feet and dropped them into his sink's garbage disposal. Then, he somehow managed to accidentally flip the 'on' switch.

Hoseok had screeched at him about how "tHeRe's nO wAy aNyOnE cOuLd eVeR FiX tHoSe" and how Namjoon was a "dUmBaSs fOr ThInKinG oThErwIse". Hoseok was usually pretty kind, but when he got angry he made sure to unleash hell on the people around him.

Namjoon looked out his window at the "view", which was his elderly neighbor's bathroom. The male decided to just close the curtains. Namjoon didn't exactly want to see his neighbor doing his business...

Namjoon wished that he had a nice seaside view, then he'd be able to look out at the ocean early in the morning. He always loved watching the crabs crawl around in the sand during low tide.

Namjoon had always had a connection to crabs. The tiny creatures simply intrigued him. Even when he was just a little boy, he had adored them.

His fascination with the sea and it's creatures was strong. That was probably why he was fresh out of college after studying marine biology for 4 years.

At the moment, he had no idea what he was doing. He was broke and living in a dingy apartment in the heart of Seoul. Namjoon's dad had been nagging him lately about the recent direction of his life. The old man thought that his son should further his education and go back to university for a master's degree.

A couple years ago, Namjoon would've agreed without hesitation. But he's felt like something is missing lately. Of course, marine biology makes him happy, but he still feels a little uneasy at times. Why? He had no idea. But he wanted to figure it out before making any big decisions.

Namjoon decided to change out of his crab printed pajamas and get into his clothes for the day. He put on a camo jacket with a white shirt under it, paired up with a pair of jeans. A black beanie and his trusty old boots were added to the ensemble as well. He was pretty simple when it came to style.

The tall man made his way into his apartment's tiny kitchen. He was going to have some coffee, but he had apparently ran out. Namjoon just settled for some Coca-Cola. I mean, they both have caffeine, right?

Namjoon grabbed his broken alarm clock along with his keys before exiting his apartment.

Well, off to face Hoseok's rath he goes!


I know that this chapter wasn't super interesting, but I still hope you enjoyed. The main storyline will kick off soon, I'm just trying to establish the characters first!




Namjoon losing 33+ airpods:

In all seriousness, hOw dOes hE dO tHat-

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In all seriousness, hOw dOes hE dO tHat-

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