🦀 10 🦀

13 1 4

🦀 Chapter 10: Encounter 🦀

As the boys sat around the bonfire, a nervous pair of eyes had been watching them

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As the boys sat around the bonfire, a nervous pair of eyes had been watching them. They had been for a while now.

The small creature paced back and forth, kicking up sand in his wake. He had a mission to carry out, albeit reluctantly, and he had stalled enough. If he waited any longer the council would surely get suspicious.

We wouldn't want that, would we?

So, mustering up all the courage in his little body, he scampered towards the group.


After singing a few songs, one of them being the Dora theme song (by Hoseok's request), the boys settled down. A state of calm surrounded them as they roasted marshmallows and looked out at the sea.

As Yoongi was thinking of places he could nap (since his sleep was inturupted by Hoseok in the car), something caught his eye. There was a very fast object moving towards them. Yoongi squinted his eyes in concentration as he attempted to identify the object. Without his glasses he wasn't completely blind, but his vision still wasn't the best. As the thing travelled closer, he was able to figure out what it was.

A crab.

Before he could warn the others, the crab climbed onto Hoseok's foot as if to catch his attention. The man's face paled and he let out a high pitched screech. He flung his foot into the air, launching the crab onto the sand. The finale of Hoseok's meltdown was when he threw himself onto Yoongi's lap. It was an endearing habit he had developed as a child and hadn't shaken, even in adulthood. Though, not so endearing now that he nearly broke Yoongi's back everytime he did it.

Meanwhile, Jin sat with wide eyes and Namjoon rushed to the aid of the crab. He flipped it over so that it wasn't laying on it's back, and scooped it up in the palms of his large hands.

"Are you okay, little one?!"

Yoongi let out a pained scoff as he shoved Hoseok off of him, "Why are you talking to it? You act like it'll respond."

"You're such a hypocrite. I hear you talking to Holly all the time back home!" Hoseok glared at his brother, sitting up from ground.

"Shut up, Hoseok! That's different, Holly's a dog! Crabs probably have way less intelligence-"

Namjoon gasped in horror, pointing an accusing finger in Yoongi's direction, "How dare you say that about this little guy!" He cradled the crab in his arms as if it were a child. Namjoon was at a loss for words. Though he was book smart and logical (for the most part), he found himself being guided by emotions most times.

Just as Hoseok was about to respond, a small voice interrupted the conversation.

"I don't exactly appreciate being called little, but thanks I guess."

The men's eyes widened in terror as their gazes slowly went to the crab. Namjoon, on the other hand, looked at it with a glint of curiosity in his eyes. Yoongi was the first to break the silence.

"Did... did it just speak-"

"HOLY SHIT-" Hoseok cut his brother off with a scream. He threw himself toward Yoongi for protection, but tackled him instead. As Yoongi tried to wrestle Hoseok off of him, Jin cautiously made his way over to Namjoon. The crab remained in his palms as Namjoon marveled at it's small form.

"How did you just speak to us? It's definitely unusual... to say the least," Jin inquired, fighting back his own fear.

"I have much to explain to you all," the crab began, "so I suppose I should reveal my other form before that guy passes out." The crab motioned over to Hoseok, who looked pale to hear the crab speak. Yoongi patted his shoulder, consoling Hoseok now that he stopped clinging to him. "Can you set me down on the ground?"

Realizing the crab was talking to him, Namjoon scrambled to release it from his hold. The four males watched the crab as it remained still for a moment. Then, a puff of fog overtook the small creature. The men flinched in surprise as the substance rose and towered over the crab. Not even a second later, the fog dissipated and revealed something that made Hoseok feel light headed.

A man stood where the crab once was.

The man had red hair, tussled by the light breeze flowing over the beach. He wore a black jacket that was adorned with golden stitching. The shirt beneath it had ruffles, which ran down his chest. He looked rather fancy to be on the beach late at night. Though, his doe eyes had a calmness within them that put the group at ease. Despite his strong appearance, he wasn't intending to intimidate them.

"My name is Jungkook," he began, "and I need your help."


I'm sorry for not updating in an eternity, life kinda got in the way lol.
Jungkook has finally made an appearance! I've had this planned for so long that I'm almost releaved that he's been revealed. But... why was JK afraid that this "council" would get suspicious 👀 More characters to appear/be discussed next chapter!

-Belle 🔔

^that's JK, btw 👁👁

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^that's JK, btw 👁👁

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