🦀 7 🦀

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🦀 Chapter 7: Possessed 🦀

Namjoon felt his body being violently shook

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Namjoon felt his body being violently shook. In his tired state, he chose to ignore it.

He soon came to regret this.

He was shoved out of the car, slapping his face on the dirty sidewalk. Namjoon - now fully awake - looked up from his position on the ground.

A scowl adorned his face, "wHAT THE HELL, YOONGI?!"

"Oops, my hand slipped~"

Namjoon crawled towards the older man like the girl from The Ring, "When I get my hands on you, i'M gOnNa-"

"Namjoon! Have you forgotten what I told you about violent language?"

"Sorry, Jin..." Namjoon mumbled. He stood up straight and shook off his 'I haven't slept for 3 days' look.

Yoongi did a double take.

"WHY DO YOU LISTEN TO HIM AND NOT ME?! I'M OLDER THAN YOU, YOU DUMBASS-" Yoongi was cut off when he received a slap on the back of the head.

"Oh, shut up, Yoongles." Hoseok sighed as he put an arm around Namjoon's shoulders. He led the younger towards the beach house.

"Aaaand, we've arrived~" Hoseok said in his trademark sing-songy voice.

Namjoon's eyes widened as he stared up at the house. He hadn't been here for such a long time.

Memories flashed through the youngest's head as the group ventured towards the front door. He remembered running around the beach that was behind the house as a kid. Sometimes he'd create his own fantasy world, and other times he would just search for sea creatures.

Namjoon's little flashback was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Seokjin was the first to step in the house, followed by the two brothers and Namjoon.

Upon inspection, Namjoon noticed that furniture was, unsurprisingly, coated with a layer of dust. An outdated blue and white striped couch sat in the middle of the room. In front of the couch was a small glass coffee table, which had old magazines neatly stacked upon it. Shelves lined the walls with picture frames propped on them.

Namjoon's eyes caught on a particular frame. It was adorned with decorative sea shells, a faint childish air coming from it. He carefully took the frame in his hands and observed it closer. The picture displayed was of two young children. The boy on the right wore a bright smile, a single arm wrapped around his friend's shoulders. Said friend gave the camera a reluctant smile. Both little boys were leaning against eachother, slightly covered with sand.

"Time certainly does fly, huh?"

Namjoon jumped at the sudden voice, amusing his friend. Hoseok snickered, "Someone's awfully jumpy today."

"Cut me some slack! I did get kidnapped two hours ago," Namjoon playfully glared at his best friend.

Hoseok scoffed at the accusation, muttering, "Some things never change..."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean, just look at your face in the picture! You look like you're dying inside!" Hoseok pointed to the little boy on the left, with the unenthusiastic smile. "And then you look at me! The same charming smile!" Hoseok imitated the boy on the right, giving Namjoon a dazzling grin. The younger had to blink a few times, trying not to go blind from his friend's wink.

 The younger had to blink a few times, trying not to go blind from his friend's wink

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Namjoon sighed before gently setting the frame back on the shelf-

Instead, the entire shelf collapsed under Namjoon's touch. The startled duo could only watch as picture frames and nick-nacks tumbled to the ground. A certificate's glass frame shattered as it made impact with the ground. Well, there goes the award Namjoon won for completing his potty training in preschool......

The two friends jumped jolted when Seokjin popped up behind them. The man shook his head, tutting as he looked down at the disaster.

Jin sighed, "You guys should go unpack. I'll take care of the shelf." He didn't have to say it twice for the two to take a hint. They scurried away before Seokjin could change his mind.

"sOmEoNe'S aWfUlLy jUmPy tOdAy-" Namjoon mocked Hoseok as the two made a run for it. He immediately shut up after receiving a kick to the shins. Namjoon lost balance and fell to the ground face first. A loud 'smack'  echoed through the room.

I guess falling on my face is a trend this week, Namjoon thought bitterly. To his dismay, Hoseok kept scurrying away like the little unloyal rat that he was.



Two seconds later, Hoseok was gone, leaving Namjoon curled up on the floor. His dejected fetal position just showed how pathetic he felt.

Seokjin and Yoongi had been looking on at the scene the entire time. Jin's eyes were wide with slight shock, a goofy grin gracing his handsome features. On the other hand, Yoongi was barely containing his laughter (as per usual).

Namjoon dragged his limp body towards the staircase like a drunk snail. Once he reached the first step, he musted up his strength and stood up from the ground. He huffed and puffed all the way to his room, slamming the door with enough force to disturb a picture frame on the wall. It fell to the ground and shattered.

The oldest boys began laughing all over again, with Jin slapping his knee and Yoongi falling to the ground. They couldn't control their laughter... Well, until they remembered that they were the ones who had to clean up the mess.


Thanks for reading another episode of "Namjoon Breaks Shit" 🤠



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