🦀 6 🦀

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🦀 Chapter 6: The Road Trip 🦀

"WHAT?!" Namjoon yelled at his friends

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"WHAT?!" Namjoon yelled at his friends. Hoseok's smile didn't falter at his friend's angry tone.

"Yep, you need a break," Hoseok lectured, "Don't think we havent noticed how stressed you've been lately." Namjoon blinked in disbelief. He looked at the others in desperation.

I mean, there's no way they could possibly think that this is okay-

Seokjin hummed happily as children's nursery rhymes played on the radio. Currently, "Hey Tayo" was softly playing through the car speakers. Meanwhile, Yoongi's face was crushed against the window as he took a well deserved nap. Kidnapping was a tiring job, afterall.

Well, I'm screwed.

Namjoon looked back to his best friend, "But what about my responsibilities back home? I can't just leave on such short notice!"

"What responsibilities?" Hoseok asked with a straight face.

Shit, he has a point-

"I have p-plenty of responsibilities," Namjoon stuttered, causing Hoseok to raise a questioning brow. The youngest went to cross his arms over his chest, except, he couldn't. He was still restrained, after all. Namjoon looked behind him in growing annoyance.

Twist ties. His hands were bound together with twist ties.

How the hell did they manage to restrain me with those flimsy ass things?!

Namjoon decided not to question his friend's abilities for the time being. Instead, he asked for assistance with his "handcuffs". And so, Hoseok reluctantly removed the twist ties from the younger's wrists.

"Took you long enough," Namjoon mumbled as he stretched his stiff joints. Once the mobility (and blood flow) returned to his wrists, Namjoon observed the world outside of his window. That's when a sudden thought came to him: Where the hell are we going?!

Deciding to try his luck, the man cautiously thought out his words before speaking. "Since I apparently have no say in the matter, can you at least tell me where we're going?"

Hoseok snickered, "It's a secre-"

"The beach house."

"wHAT THE HELL, YOONGI?!" Hoseok screeched at his brother. "I thought we were going to surprise him!"

"What's the point? He was gonna find out anyways," Yoongi mumbled, face still pressed against the window.

Seokjin watched in horror (but not surprise) as the scene unfolded. Namjoon covered his ears as Hoseok began another one of his fits. The man in question began to latch onto and violently shake his brother's seat.

Yoongi startled from his half-asleep state, "gET OFF THE SEAT, YOU MAN CHILD."




"Calm down or I will stop this car and leave you two for dead on the side of the road!" Seokjin interrupted with a crazed glint in his eye. The energy in the car darkened, causing the two brothers to settle down.

Namjoon visibly paled at Seokjin's threat. He tried not to think about the last time Jin had done such a thing. Though it didn't happen often, Jin meant business the few times he was angry.

The rest of the car ride was silent, with Namjoon too afraid to ask any more questions about their destination.

Yoongi eventually fell back asleep and Hoseok opted for staring out the window. Namjoon could hear him trying to count the number of trees as they drove. Every two seconds, he messed up and started over. Hoseok knew that there was no point in the game, but tried anyway. This is what Namjoon liked to call: The Cycle of Boredom.

For such a receptive person, he sure is a dumbass, Namjoon secretly thought. Though, he'd never say that thought out loud. Hoseok was his friend, afterall (he was also a bit scared of his wrath, but that was pretty obvious by now).

As the road trip continued, Namjoon felt his eyelids growing heavy. Eventually, Seokjin's smooth driving lulled Namjoon into a light nap.


Hoseok and Yoongi were just EXPOSING eachother....and then we have Namjoon and Jin like:



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