C H A P T E R •14•

474 23 5

---Brief Authors Note ---

hey everyone, i'm so sorry about the hiatus.  i promise i didn't mean to take a 2 year break.  i got so caught up in work and school i completely forgot about this story.  a little life update in case any of you guys care.  as we speak i am about to have my 20th birthday (how exciting right?) i just got accepted into my dream school and i am going to school for pharmacy.  i lost one of my dear babies not too long ago, he was a rescue in not so good health and passed away from old age.  i have an amazing boyfriend and we have been together for just over two years now.  i may end up doing some creative writing in the future but who knows yet.  if you want to keep up with my life more my instagram user name is (69daizyp96) and i have a depop shop called (the_crazy_daizy) where i am selling my funko pops, squishmallows, pokemon cards, etc. in hopes for it to help pay for my college tuition since i wont be able to work much once the semester starts.  anyways, lets get on with the story.  



"Izuku, I have a question for you..."


"Will you be my boyfriend?"


     I feel my cheeks turn red hot, shock and an overwhelming sensation rushes through my body.  I never imagined this would happen.  I realize I have been staring at him for quite some time when I notice his face fall.  I nod my head as a smile creeps its way to my face.

     "Yes, Shoto, of course yes!" I whisper as I force myself into an embrace with him.  He freezes for a second before wrapping his arms around me and hugging back.  I pull away from the hug and plant a peck on his cheek.  His eyes widen at me before looking down into his lap, not allowing me to see his face.  

     Soon enough comes time for  Shoto  to head home after a long break to get ready for school the following day.  I didn't want him to go, but I was ecstatic to see him at school the following day.  I walk him to the door and down the sidewalk.  It isn't a short walk but it felt like it took only a few seconds to reach the beginning of the pathway to his home.  I hug him once more before he leaves to go inside.  Not wanting to let go we stay in the same position for a few minutes.  He pulls away and we say our goodbyes, promising to walk to school together the next day.  

     "Shoto! Wait! I forgot to tell you something!" I shout hoping to get his attention.  He turns around and walks back to me.  

     "What is it" he questions.  

     "This." I mutter and peck him on the lips.  His face burns a dark crimson color as I feel mine do the same.  Both of us sit there speechless for a minute before turning our separate ways and heading home.  

     The whole walk back to my house I couldn't get the kiss out of my head.  Even once I returned home, I almost couldn't concentrate on double checking that everything was perfect for the project.  Soon enough, I got to bed and fell asleep, eager for the next day.

     I wake up the next morning, and hurriedly got ready for the day.  I only grab a quick piece of toast for breakfast before rushing out the door to meet Shoto at his house.  Instead of walking like I normally would, I jogged up to his house and was met with a hug.  I nuzzle my face into his neck and grab his hand.  We make our way to the school and walk in to the school and make our way to our first periods.  We make our way through the day, meeting up for lunch and then seeing one another in the halls every so often.  Finally, we make it to the last class of the day, Photography.  

The end.    

Hey guys im sorry if this ending was kind of lack-luster but i really just wanted to get it at least finished for you all since i left it alone for over 2 years.  i may end up doing a q&a if anyone is interesting so if you want to leave me some questions and ill answer them

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