C H A P T E R •6•

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     We stay at the pond for hours, just talking nonsense and telling stories from our elementary and middle school days. It's around 2:00 A.M. before we left for home. We reach home at around 2:45 and we just decide to go to sleep.

     "Izuku, where do you want me to sleep?" Shoto asks, pulling his pajama shirt on. I stutter, seeing his lightly toned stomach. I tear my eyes away from him and look over my shoulder, facing the wall.

     "You can have the bed, you're our guest so it's only appropriate."

     "But what about you?"

     "I'll sleep on the floor or something, it's not a big deal to me."

     He looked at me with a look that says 'no, just no.' "No you're gonna sleep in the bed. I will hold you down if I have to, no arguing." He demanded. I nodded hesitantly.

     I walk to my dresser and pull out some gym shorts and a shirt before going to change and brush my teeth. I walk back into my room to see Shoto laying in my bed, cuddled up in the blankets on his phone. I make my way over to the bed before flopping, rather ungracefully might I add, next to him.

     "Goodnight Izu," I hear a half asleep voice whisper next to me. Soft snores soon fill the room. I smile and close my eyes, falling into a peaceful sleep.

     "Night Sho,"


     I wake up and feel arms around me. I look to see Shoto's arms encasing me in warmth. I scrunch my nose in a smile and snuggle further into his chest, letting myself relax for a minute before I get an idea. I stealthily grab my phone without waking him up, or so I thought.

I take a picture of him thinking he is still asleep, but as soon as I tapped the button, his eyes opened and revealed a very disgruntled boy in the photo, yet somehow he still looked amazing.

     "Good morning sleeping beauty," I giggle

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     "Good morning sleeping beauty," I giggle. He groans, grabbing my phone and dropping it on the floor, pulling me closer to him.

     "Go back to sleep," his grip tightens on me. I lean into him and lay back down, not sleeping, just enjoying his touch.  I hear the front door open, mom must be home. Several minutes her bedroom door closes and I fall back to sleep, knowing she's done the same.

     A couple hours later I wake up to see Shoto playing on his phone with one hand, and his other wrapped around me.

"Good morning Izuku, how did you sleep?" He asks, setting down his phone to ruffle my hair.

Cheeks tinted red, I manage to stutter out a response. "G-good, how about you?"

"Rather well actually, I haven't had this nice of a sleep in a while." He picks his phone back up. "Oh by the way, you're mother came in earlier, said she was making breakfast, but to let you sleep since this is the most peaceful she's seen you sleep in a long time."

I nod, not quite trusting my words. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed, pulling Shoto with me and we head to the kitchen. There my mom was finishing up breakfast. She jumped when she noticed us before rushing over to us, giving both of us a hug and a kiss on the forehead (it seems like something she'd do).

"Good morning boys, how was your night?" She asked in her motherly tone.

"Good, we went on a walk and then went to bed." She nodded, knowing I meant that we went to the pond. She had found out a while ago that I went to the pond a lot and was okay with it as long as it made me happy. She sat us down to eat before she went to the kitchen to clean up the dishes.

"Hey I'll be right back, I'm just going to have a quick shower," he nods and takes his dishes to the kitchen to help mom wash up.

Todoroki POV (hey now look what I did)

I walk into the kitchen to wash my dishes, when Mrs. Midoriya beckons me over.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Todoroki, I don't know what you did, but thank you. My little Izu hasn't been this happy in a long time and he's not slept that calmly since he was about 4 I'd say. Please keep doing what you're doing son, as his mother it's killed me seeing him like that, but now that's he's started talking to you, he genuinely seems better."

I look at her in astonishment, I helped Izuku? I know he's been through a lot, but I didn't think it was affecting him this much anymore. I nodded sternly towards her.

"Of course, I would do anything to assure his happiness and wellbeing." She smiled one of her well known smiles of a proud mother, as Izu would say. It's a smile that warms your whole being, a smile I haven't seen anything like in years.

We begin talking about Izukus childhood and she is telling me stories, funny ones, about him. She was in the middle of telling me how Izuku had jumped into a pond to save a fish from drowning because "it is what the hero in my book would do," as his mother said, when the door opened, revealing a freshly showered and embarrassed Izuku.

"Hey there hero," I smirk.

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