C H A P T E R •11•

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The next morning the smell of breakfast and faint reminisces of Shotos cologne fills my nose as I wake up. Memories of last night surface and I grin, hiding my face further into Shoto's shirt. His hand makes its way to my hair and he ruffles the messy locks atop my head.

"Morning, love"

"S-Shoto... I didn't wake you, did I? I-I'm sorry!" I scoot back from him in a panic. He laughs and pulls me closer to him.

"No, Ive been awake for a while now, don't worry." I nod my head quickly before scooting out of bed. I rush to my closet, picking out some clothes for the day.  I pulled out a sleeveless hoodie and a pair of jeans before getting changed. Returning to my room I see Shoto has already changed and is ready to go.

After eating breakfast we head out for the day, just walking around the city, not for the project, but to spend time with each other.  We pass by many stores ranging from candy shops to really fancy clothing stores with unbearably strong smells of perfume and cologne.

     After a couple hours of walking around and shopping, we decided it was time for a break and found a small tea shop. It was a cute little place with cushiony chairs, light blue walls, and soft indie music playing over the speakers as students worked on their laptops or mingled among one another. We got a couple armchairs in the back corner of the peaceful hangout before going up to the counter to order.

     "Hi, I'm Lance! How may I help you today?" The polite cashier asked with a cheery smile on his face.  We both ordered our iced teas, Shotos being a green tea, while mine is chai, before paying the cashier and leaving our change in the tip jar.  We sit in a peaceful silence as we relax before we need to go back home.

     As we exit the building the sun begins to set, the sky turning brilliant colors of blue, pink, and purple, with hints of the suns yellows and oranges still barely remaining. Walking back home, the night sky gets darker and darker, freckled with glowing stars, not quite illuminating our way home, but beautiful nonetheless.

Soon enough we make it back to my little apartment, removing our shoes at the door. It was decently late when we got back so I go to tell mom goodnight while Shoto goes to my room to get ready for bed.

I knock on my moms door before entering. She's already laying in bed sleeping. I gently nudge her and lay a kiss on her forehead.

"Goodnight mom, I love you." I whisper, leaving the quiet room before entering my own.  I shut the door behind me quietly and notice that Shoto is sound asleep on my bed. I sneak over to my closet to pull out my pajamas before scurrying to the bathroom to change.

     I do my normal bathroom stuff and brush my teeth after I change and shut the lights off before creeping back to my room and crawling into bed, careful not to wake the duo-colored boy next to me. I didn't feel tired yet so I pulled out my phone to browse through the internet and maybe play a game.

     I feel myself becoming drowsy so I turn off my phone and turn onto my side, coincidentally into the arms of the sleeping boy to my left. I blush slightly but cuddle into his chest anyways, slowly feeling the sleep consume me.


AHHHHHH sorry this is so short 😔 but I just wanted kind of a chill day where they get to know each other and hang out a bit. Also I'm so sorry this took so long to be published like wow it's been forever since I've updated and holy heck this story has gotten way bigger than I ever imagined like 15k views???? That's absolutely insane thank you all so much!!!! In other words if anyone is willing to make a cover (see previous part) I'd be so freaking happy, I want it similar to the one I have now but I want it to have the title somewhere and idk who's photo the current one is so likeeeeeee..... well anyways until next time

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