Diagon Alley

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"Narcissa! Narcissa! Lucius!" I screamed as I raced down the grand staircase. I had a letter clutched tightly in my fist and Nagini, my snake, was slithering behind me. When I arrived in the living room, Narcissa and Lucius looked alarmed.

"What happened, Sierra?" Narcissa asked, her brow crinkled with worry. "Are you alright?"

"I got my Hogwarts letter! I got my Hogwarts letter!" I screamed, shaking the letter in their faces. My jaw hurt because of how big I was smiling. Nagini hissed and rubbed her large head on my leg in congratulations.

"Oh, Sierra, that's great!" Narcissa exclaimed, taking the papers from me and examining them. There was still that crease of worry between her eyebrows, though.

Congratulations darling, my father spoke in my head. No one else could hear him, only me. That's how I'd been able to communicate with him my entire life.

Thank you, father, I thought, knowing he could hear me too.

Draco, my best friend, suddenly came dashing down the stairs, his platinum blonde hair ruffled from sleep but his grey eyes bright with excitement. "Mum, dad, I got my Hogwarts letter!" he panted. He also held a crinkled letter in his hand.

After Narcissa and Lucius finished congratulating him, he turned to me. "Did you get yours?"

I held the letter up, smirking.

"Yes!" he said, snatching the letter and looking over them, even though his said the same thing. "We're finally going! You better get into Slytherin."

"Oh no, Draco, I'm going to get into Gryffindor," I said sarcastically. "I really think the red and gold would go good with my hair, don't you think?" I turned and flipped my hair; I felt it whip across his face and he spluttered.

"Okay, okay!" he said with a laugh, shoving my shoulder.

"Besides," I said with a grin, "you know who my father is."

"Then you should definitely get in," he said. We both laughed.

I've lived here in Malfoy Manor my entire life, so of course, Draco, Narcissa, and Lucius knew who my father was. They'd been keeping my secret ever since I was born and they took me in, and Draco had always been my best friend.

"Hey, hey," Narcissa interjected, placing her hand on both of our shoulders and turning us to face her. Those familiar lines still tainted her forehead. "You two better remember not to tell anyone who Sierra's father is," she warned. "Do you hear me?"

"Of course," Draco and I both said.

Suddenly Nagini hissed up at me. To everyone else, I knew it only sounded like hissing, but I could hear the words she was saying. Like my father, I was a Parselmouth, meaning that I could understand and speak to snakes.

"I need food, Sierra," Nagini said.

Draco looked down at her and stepped back, his eyes wide with fear. I giggled. "You big baby," I told him. "Come on, Nagini."

I made my way to the kitchen with Nagini slithering after me and Draco's cautious footsteps padding after us. Once I was in the kitchen, I squatted down to open the cabinet under the sink, reaching to the back and feeling for the latch. Once I flipped it up, I opened the small door and pulled out a large cage full of several little mice. "I'm sorry," I whispered to them, my heart wrenching as I carried the cage over to Lucius, who was now seated at the kitchen table, reading the Daily Profit. "Lucius, can you...you know?"

Lucius's cold, grey eyes emerged from behind the paper. He pointed his wand at the cage, casting a nonverbal spell.

One of the mice swelled to three times its original size, slightly squishing the others. Lucius cast another spell and the mouse went limp, it's eyes fluttering closed.

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