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When I left the dining room, my father didn't follow me out, and not one of the Malfoy's was anywhere in sight. I wasn't looking for any of them though, even if I did want to see Draco; I needed to talk to Junior.

I ascended the long staircase that led to the fourth floor, where the guest bedrooms were. When I finally got to the top, there were about ten doors on both sides of the hall, and only one was open. Steam was slowly seeping out of it like a thin fog, and I crept up to it hesitantly. After about ten minutes of contemplating whether I should go in or not, I finally did.

The room was plain, with only one large bed at the center, several black cloaks were thrown carelessly onto it, and then a desk shoved into the corner. There were two other doors in here, one which was the bathroom and was the origin of the steam, probably from the shower, where it was pooling out from under the crack, and then another one which was probably the closet.

Junior didn't really have anything in the room since he and my father were going to be leaving soon, but something glinted that caught my eye, and it was lying on top of one of his cloaks. Letting my curiosity get the better of me, I padded my way over to it and picked it up.

My brow furrowed in confusion when I saw that it was just a mirror. Why would Junior want a mirror? I mean...if Draco had a mirror or something I wouldn't be surprised, but I never really thought Junior was the type to care about his appearance—

My mind went blank when I looked into the mirror, shock overwhelming me so much that the mirror slipped from my fingers and shattered on the ground. I stumbled back, my lips parting as I struggled not to trip over myself. When I had looked into the mirror, it didn't show me as my normal self, it completely took me off guard and showed—

The bathroom door suddenly swung open, making me jump and squeal slightly. Junior emerged, fully dressed but still damp with water. He held a towel loosely in his hand, and though his expression was confused at first, his eyes lit up when they landed on me.

"Riddle!" he exclaimed, taking three long strides to me and then bringing me to him in a one-armed hug. Shaking off my befuddlement, I patted him on the back slowly before pulling away from him.

"Merlin, I can never thank you enough for setting me free," Junior continued, shaking his head and staring down at me in wonder. "I haven't showered this good in years. I'll be forever—" He suddenly realized there was a broken mirror at my feet, and his eyes widened. "Is that my..."

"I-I'm sorry—"

"Oh, don't be sorry, my lady," he said quickly, but he still looked concerned as he bent and picked up a piece of his broken property. "It's just...did you look into it?"

I stared at him. "Yes I did," I said slowly, reaching out to take the small piece of mirror. "Why did I have—"

"This mirror merely shows us in a different form, that's all," he said dismissively, hurriedly collecting the rest of the pieces, nipping his fingers multiple times in the process. "It really doesn't mean anything at all...I just like to see myself in different ways..." He strode over to the bathroom, and I heard the clinking of him tossing the shards into the trashcan before he came back out, shutting the bathroom door behind him. "Never mind about that, though, it's alright you broke it. It was only a—Galleon... What do I owe the pleasure?"

I stared at him suspiciously for a while, but his face was very unreadable. When I stared into his eyes, he swiftly averted his gaze to my forehead, making me narrow my eyes. Eventually, the silence was too awkward, so I finally said, "I just needed to talk to you about something that happened the night of the third task."

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