The Letter to Narcissa

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 "You foul git!" I growled at Blaise as he dodged the book I had hurled at his head. He chuckled as he hid behind one of the chairs in the common room.

"Did you call me, love?" Draco drawled from where he was lazily sprawled on the couch. Jalen cackled as I threw another heavy book at Blaise. It missed his head by an inch and he raised his hands in surrender.

"Okay, okay!" he cried out, a mischievous glint still in his eye. "Can't you change it back if you wanted to, though?" He gestured to the tips of my once dark blonde hair, that he had changed to an emerald green.

"I actually think it looks cute," Airam commented from where she sat beside Draco.

"Yeah," Theodore chipped in. "Show that Slytherin pride, Sierra!"

I glowered at him and he winked playfully. I spun back around to Blaise who was getting more comfortable and inching closer to me. "Change it back," I demanded lowly. He sighed heavily before taking out his wand.

"Whatever you say, babe."

I opened my mouth to warn him to not call me babe but Draco beat me to it: "If I ever hear you call her that name again I will blast you into the wall."

"Ooh, feisty," Blaise commented coolly as he changed the ends of my hair to it's regular dark blonde.

"I'm guessing none of you saw what was on the Notice Board?" Jalen asked. I turned to her to see her craning her neck up at the black board that had several papers in a variety of colors tacked to it. I carefully walked off and stood beside her. My eyes widened as they landed on a particular white paper, the largest of them all, which read in bold print: First Hogsmead trip this weekend.

"Draco!" I squealed, making Jalen jump as I dashed over to the couch Draco was falling asleep on. I pounced on him, causing him to yelp in shock and Airam to flinch. "Draco! Draco, did you hear? This weekend is our first Hogsmead visit!"

He opened his eyes slowly, squinting up at me as Theodore chuckled in an armchair three feet away. "Mm, yes, love, I heard."

I rolled my eyes, getting off of him as Blaise said, "He sounds pretty excited, eh?"

"He should be," I snapped irritably. Then the realization hit me that in a matter of two days I would be going to Hogsmead, and I plopped down with a bright smile on my face.

"What's got you so excited about Hogsmead?" Jalen asked, sitting down beside me.

"She's always wanted to go," Draco mumbled groggily, finally sitting up. "Ever since we were little that's the one place we've never been."

"Too cheerful or what?" Theodore asked with a snort and Draco gave him the finger, which he stuck his tongue out to.

I remembered all summer, pestering Lucius to sign Draco and I's permission forms until he literally yelled out in frustration and snatched the papers from me. I smiled at the memory.

"Merlin, seeing Sierra so happy is making me dizzy," Blaise said and I snapped out of my daze and glared at him.

"It's because you naturally make her want to scream," Airam said with a roll of her eyes. Blaise took the comment in the exact opposite way he was supposed to and smirked.

"Oh, do I?"

"Watch it," Draco warned and Blaise chuckled.

Theodore hopped over to me and draped an arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry, mate. I'll protect her." Draco's hard look intensified and he stomped over, grabbing my arm and pulling me to him.

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